Chapter 12

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"The Space Station Sextus delivered new orders for them; they stopped to retrieve an envoy they were tasked with carrying across the star system on a mission of peace. This alien diplomat bore a treaty with new people on the planet of Jaadha.Along the way, they were set upon by pirates and Serena's world seemed it would implode."

Section One: Pirates and Psychics

Archive: 2195.04.28 - 2195.10.06


The ship shuddered as everything fell silent. People fell about as though struck by a heavy hand. It took a moment for Nav to speak. "All forward momentum has stopped, Sir." 

The alarms flashed, not enough power to make them sound, and life sciences reported from their station. "Emergency life support engaged." 

"United Alliance Exploration Vehicle, I hereby claim your ship for the Pirate King and all pirates everywhere!"

"Get me a godsdamned view! I want to see 360* twenty seconds ago." Everyone peered at the translucent screen, doing a visual scan of whatever was in their general area. Gireau thrust a hand into the air. "Shields up. Red alert. All stations."

The first mate cursed. "Sensors show nothing, Sir."

"United Alliance, surrender; forfeit your lives or die!"

Serena's lips tightened and she stiffened in her seat. Gireau shouldn't have been attuned to her, but he'd noticed it had happened slowly, until one day it felt as though he could feel her. 

Commander Thoreau crossed to the girl, silently offering support. Gireau turned back to his crew, watching their faces, gauging their states. He frowned at the by-play between his wife and XO. Lieutenant Corrolles ignored the executive officer's searching gaze, shaking her head at the commander. 

They heard voices in the background of the transmission received; Gallaway worked speedily to pinpoint the noise, isolating one specific tone above everything else. 

"What about the treasure? We want the Voice of the Star-Killer. She belongs to me.

Corrolles' fingers trembled as she reached over in an attempt to delete the file. 

Thoreau grabbed her arm and turned the volume on the isolated order louder, paling when she realized what the words meant. 

"Captain!" Thoreau hauled Corrolles to her feet and dragged the girl to the captain's ready room.

Confused, Gireau followed, motioning for the on-duty security officer to attend. They walked in to hear the executive officer yelling at the linguist.

"You have to tell him!"

Serena jerked away from Commander Thoreau, stumbling backward. "I can't! I don't know anything. I don't - I can't!" She shivered, flushed, sweat plastering her hair against her forehead. 

Gireau crossed to her, wrapping a supportive arm around her waist. "Breathe, Lieutenant." The captain studied his two officers. "What is the meaning of this?"

Commander Thoreau pulled up the recording and played it. "The Voice of the Star-Killer. She belongs to me!" Turning, Commander Thoreau glared at the linguist. "The only planet we know of where they called her the Voice of the StarKiller was that cannibalistic nation."

Serena hung her head; Thoreau turned on her in accusation. "More?"

"Aye. I've been monitoring any references to the StarKiller." Serena blushed and refused to look at anyone.

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