Chapter 7

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Section One: Brokering Peace

"It is easy to look back with hindsight and show Admiral Gireau the many areas he missed, the clues that even complete strangers gave as to Commander Corrolles' true self. We don't do that, though. We like our jobs!" 

This elicited scattered chuckles from the audience in the crowded hall. 

"Commander Corrolles' experience grew exponentially with each exposure to various alien peoples. One moment that spurred her to peak performance was the time they couriered nine diplomats and their families from one space station to the next. It was a harrowing journey."


The large carrier ship docked by the StarKiller's sundown and disgorged the representatives from nine different alien species. Each group boarded with their contingent, bringing from 10-40 additional individuals. 

The captain, his XO, the medical doctor, his security officers, and his linguistics team created a corridor of welcome. Gireau fumbled through the first greetings before direct-comming Ensign Corrolles to his side. 

Serena grimaced as she pushed through the crowd of officers and enlisted men and women. She took a deep breath, her chest heaving with the exertion, as she neared the newcomers. She felt the tiny wisps of telepathic feelers sent by several of the delegates and their parties and turned a frowning gaze upon the waiting aliens. Several diplomats fell back as they met her shield and all mental probing immediately stopped as the representatives tossed the human captain wondering glances. 

A human with an empath?

 It wasn't unheard of, but it meant that the captain could be a considerable foe. They would all need to tread carefully. News of the captain's empath spread quickly; harsh commands and rapid whispers died down, and fearful looks shot to the captain as new plans were rapidly formed. 

Gireau recognized a change in the air as the linguist took her stance just behind him. "Ah, Corrolles. Please convey our welcome." The girl coughed into her fist before inclining her head to listen. When she spoke, her voice was soothing to his nerves. The musical hums, lilts, clicks, garbled words, and chitters coming from the fracas surrounding them seemed more bearable. 

Corrolles curtsied to one alien with six tentacles, one large round head, and three eyes. "Captain, this is Cl-kcal-cien. They hail from the planet of Clinienclkckknieck - we designated the planet a water class, uninhabitable by humans. Cl-kcal-cien extends their greetings. They are accompanied by their wives, husbands, and nine children." She turned to address the aliens. "We have a salt-water tank prepared for you on Holo-deck 3 and hope that it meets your needs. Please inform us if there's anything else we can do to make you comfortable." 

More than 200 new friends later, Captain Gireau turned to assess his crewmate. "Well done, Ensign." She seemed a little pale and shaky, delicate, almost. "Accompany Doctor Hopper to sick bay. I need you in good health in these coming days, Ensign." He dismissed her with a nod and strode off, riding the high of a successful welcoming party.

"Admiral Gireau earned a reputation as a womanizer. His amorous pursuits became almost legendary. This is of note, because once he wed, his personal code prevented him from straying outside of their marital bonds. He never even broached the idea of polygamy - Dame Meniere had stressed the importance of family enough by then that he knew to tread carefully. It would only become clear later how much his respecting those bounds spoke of his integrity to others. If he'd been seen to hurt the Lady, he would have lost all standing with the thousands of worlds he'd allied with over the years. As it was, Commander Corrolles always looked out for the good of her crew. She wouldn't have let him be perceived to stray or blemish their names."

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