Cast of Characters, Ranks, and Roles

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Rates and Positions in the United Alliance Military

PresidentSecretary of the NavyFlag OfficersFleet Admiral**wartime O-11AdmiralO-10Vice AdmiralO-9Rear AdmiralO-8CommodoreO-7Line OfficersSeniorCaptainO-6CommanderO-5Lieutenant CommanderO-4JuniorLieutenantO-3Lieutenant Jr. GradeO-2EnsignO-1MidshipmanWarrant OfficerW-6CaptW-5CdrW-4LCDRW-3LTW-2LTJGW-1ENS1st Class2nd Class3rd Class4th ClassEnlistedNCOMaster Chief Petty Officer of the NavyE-9Fleet/Force Master Chief Petty Officer*wartimeCommand Master Chief Petty OfficerE-9Master Chief Petty OfficerE-9Senior Chief Petty OfficerE-8Chief Petty OfficerE-7Petty Officer1st Class E-6below chief2nd Class E-5above crewman3rd Class E-4above crewmanCrewman1st ClassE-32nd ClassE-23rd ClassE-1SpecialistE-4Private/Recruit1st Class E-3 2nd Class E-23rd Class E-1

Star Killer Rates and Positionsduties and responsibilitiesBridge CrewCaptainXO/CommanderQuarterMaster/Chief of OperationsThe XO is typically responsible managing day-to-day activities, such as maintenance and logistics. They support the Commanding Officer freeing them to concentrate on tactical planning and execution. The XO also takes charge in the absence of the Commanding Officer.First Mate/CommanderCOMMO (Communications Officer)The COMMO runs the Communications Department which sends and receives messages to and from other ships, aircraft and shore facilities via various sophisticated electronic equipment including computers, satellites, cryptographic devices, and high power transmitters and receivers.OoD (Officer of the Deck)At sea, the officer of the deck is stationed on the bridge and is in charge of navigation and safety of the ship, unless relieved by the captain or a senior qualified line officer. The Officer of the Deck may give 'the conn' to a junior officer for training purposes, in which case the Officer of the Deck and the conning officer may not be the same individual.Conning OfficerThe conning officer only has responsibility for giving the helm instructions on direction and thrust of the ship's engines. The OOD retains responsibility for the ship's safe passage.Gator (Navigator)A navigator is the person on board a ship responsible for its navigation. The navigator's primary responsibility is to be aware of ship position at all times. Responsibilities include planning the journey, advising the captain of estimated timing to destinations while en route, and ensuring hazards are avoided.Tactical Action Officer (TAO)Chief of SecurityResponsibilities include tactical decision making, console operation, communications, and oversight of a variety of watchstander responsibilities in air, surface, and subsurface warfare areas.
Cheng (Chief Engineer)The Engineering Department maintains the ship's power plants. It also provides all life support systems, fresh water, heating, air conditioning, ventilation, hot water, electrical power, telephone service, and maintains the ship's sewage system. The ship's Chief Engineer, or "Cheng", heads this department.CoB (Chief of the Boat)liaison between commanding officers and enlistedChief Medical OfficerDepartment CrewSecurityMilitary PoliceDepartment SecurityBridge SecurityOffice of the Criminal Inspectorateall investigations go through this office; chief security officer oversees all security services aboard shipInspector General, Inspector, Constable, DeputyBrigholds all violators of security, military or civiliantwo levels - military secure, civilian secureOmbudsman liaison between the military and military members' familiesMarshalliaison between the military's security teams and civilian policeTeachersSciencesbiology, botany, anatomy, chemistry, physics, physical sciences, astronomy, zoology, xenology, etc., suppositional theoriesMathematicsgeometry, algebra, calculus, statistics, number theory, analytics, combinatoricsLanguagespolitical sciences, world languages, diplomacy, xenolinguistics, Historyworld history, ancient civilizations, modern history, expansion historyHumanitiesarts, sociology, psychology, journalism, etc. Life Sciencesbusiness, mechanics, engineering, architecturalism, etc.Makers and DoersTailorTinkerArchivistsnewsletters, journalism, televisionFamily LifeEntertainmentChefsPoliceDeputies, Constables, InspectorsAmbassadorcivilian diplomatic relations, under COMMO purviewPriestunder life-sciences/medical purviewMinisterunder life-sciences/medical purview

CharactersPronunciationRatePositionLiam Gireau jerohCaptainCommanding OfficerMelanie ThoreauthorougheCommanderXO QuarterMasterAce Venturieventure-eeeCommanderFirst MateGalena Hoppergal-lenaCommanderChief Medical OfficerCharlotte Leeshar-lotLieutenant CommanderChief Sciences OfficerLeo PhelpsCommanderChief Security OfficerKelly GreenLieutenantDiplomat, SecuritySerena Corollesco-rolesMidshipman to LTJGLinguisticsLinda Gallowaygal-low-weighMidshipman to LTJGCommunicationsSarah CooperCivilianNannyJobadiah HeartsworthLieutenantNavigationsCarol Lynn LordsEnsign to Lt. CMDRSciencesKyoko NamineraLieutenant Jr. Grade to CMDRTeresa MaysLieutenant Jr. Grade to CMDRChief HarrisSenior Chief Petty OfficerEngineeringCeleste GrimescivilianTeacherCandace HearthcivilianOmbudsmanWilliam GravescivilianOmbudsman MarshalIris JordancivilianArchivistKeven LimncivilianPoliceRobert HossenAdmiralRear AdmiralWayne GreysonAdmiral/CommodoreCommodoreFlynn MathisCaptainCommanding Officer Wyeth EmperorEmperorDrakinPrinceEmperor's R. HandLeaQueenAi of the Jadhaa AiJonascivilianVoice of the EmperorHeatherprincessto-be Ai of the Jadhaa AiRafelKingPirate KingDame MeniereEmpathMadame Empath

Gireau is based a bit on Kirk (William Shatner's portrayal), Riker, Han Solo, and Mal. 

Dame Meniere is based on Lwuxanna Troi and Dolly Parton. 

Serena is based on this waif I saw in passing one day. I haven't been able to find anyone who looks like her - but she was so ephemeral, so tiny and yet so strong looking that I thought she deserved her own story. 

Wyeth and Drakin are a bit of Dolph Lundgren. 

Ace is a bit like Adam Baldwin. (No offense to him at all! Gor'm/Gorem!)

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