Chapter 10

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"Not every species, or planet for that matter, welcomed the expedition. The aliens were set in their ways, and the crew would encounter more psychics, more telepaths, even more empaths. The very week the Admiral and the Lady were wed, they encountered one of the most fearsome planets."

Section 1. Psychic Space Battle

Planet M46530

Archive Date: 2194.05.21-05.28

The planet appeared lush, full of life, and upon first glance, it seemed to be richly green and vibrant. Upwind, everything looked lovely and pure. They breathed deeply, expecting the air to be clean. The secondary scientist hastily covered her nose at the sickly sweet bitterness that assaulted her olfactory senses. Everyone recoiled at the scent that wafted by them on the tepid breeze. A third explorer pointed out the trail cutting through the greenery and jumped back as a large flower head lunged free of the jungle, nearly decapitating him.

 Corrolles pulled him upright just before the slithering vine wrapped around his ankle tugged, hard. The ensign's body shook with adrenaline as he smiled his relief. He caught the considering look from his captain and snapped to attention. "S-sorry, Sir." 

Gireau herded everyone into a large group in the middle of the path and nodded his head at the hostile environment. "Stay close. With such a welcome from the flora and fauna, I want everyone on alert." 

Doctor Lee pointed her scanners into the jungle and began recording. "Ensign Park, scout ahead with Officer Hannover. Do not engage any of the wildlife." She moved up beside the captain. "I'm picking up life signs about a mile ahead. What do you think, Sir?" 

Gireau nodded at his chief science officer. "Lead the way, Dr. Lee. Proceed with caution." 

The air grew thick and heavy the more they trekked. It was almost reassuring to find the clearing with the village in the center. They stepped out of the oppressive heat and silence of the jungle, the hiss of violence coating them in sweat, and slowly approached the longhouse in the very middle of the straw structures. Their fear grew, and rankled, spiking the air with a bitter tang. 

Officer Green clutched his stomach and hunched over, skin hued the shade his name bestowed. Ensign Park backed towards the jungle, eyes wide with terror as he shook his head, refusing to move closer to the promise of safety in numbers. 

Gireau shoved a hand into his hair and dropped his arm, coming to attention as movement in the large hut drew his gaze. He flicked an eye at the linguist, glad that Corrolles had accompanied them. He honestly did not want to make first contact without her. She met his gaze and marched forward, a grim determination about her. 

"I don't like this, Corrolles. Find out what they want." Code for keep them safe and do whatever is necessary

Corrolles reached out with her power and listened, picking out speech patterns and intent. She felt the first blow as though it was physical, her eyes widening as she was shoved backwards. To the away team, it merely looked like she stumbled. She straightened as the villagers neared. 

*Submit to us. We mean you harm. We merely want to taste your delicate flesh. Join us for dinner. We'll cook you tenderly till your juices run clear. Come, now. We mean to feast this night upon your very essence.

Serena growled at the leader. "Enough of that. The Captain is too tough for your teeth. They would break on his bones."

The chief snapped back at her, "Then maybe we'll have the soft flesh of a babe. Stop hiding behind your shields and fight us. Win, and you may live. Lose, and you'll be joining us for dinner."

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