Chapter 25

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Section 1. Psychic Space Battle 


The StarKiller was still a week out from Waiave when they came under attack yet again. The reports they'd received from their nearby allies insisted that the pirates hadn't encroached on their territories, but the ship they encountered was definitely piratical in nature. 

Serena, Rober - Wyeth's Voice - and Dame Meniere had shielded the ship so well they almost missed the psychic attack. However, distracted by the prospect of a new life, Rober allowed his own mental shields to fall, and the attack was swift and violent. His scream echoed across the airwaves, terrifying the crew in a way the pirates hadn't done. Serena blinked to his side, providing her own shield until he could erect his own, but the damage had been done. 

The pirates knew where she was, knew who their passengers were, and knew their destination. Gireau immediately had comms and tactical jam any outgoing signals, but the pirates were still able to get several small pods off before turning their missile tubes to the StarKiller. 

"All pilots, all pilots, report to the hangar bay.

They would engage the fleeing pods and the main ship in the hopes of preventing that valuable information from getting beyond the solar system. Even then, the system was so vast, if the pirate ship had more friends, things could take a very bad turn. The pirates fired first in an attempt to distract them from the fast pods; the pilots and fighters easily avoided what they could see coming, releasing chaff to set the missiles off and leave the pirate's targeting systems confused. They exchanged their own volley of missiles before breaking off; one final blast seemed to shut down the pirate's ship entirely. 

 After a quick conference with Tactical, Gireau sent Blackens and his Infantry to the ship. They needed whatever data they could recover. "Blackens to base. We're moving in now. There's - there's nothing here. What the hells is this?" 

They maneuvered the pirates' battle cruiser. "Get me the linguist. I want to make sure I'm seeing this right." 

Serena commed in a few moments later. "Corrolles here. How's it going, Lieutenant?" 

Blackens' sneer came across loud and clear. "It's all gold, Lieutenant. Walk me through when you rescued the captain." 

Serena shuddered. *Seriously?*

Gireau spun in his seat. *Do it.*

"We boarded at 1700, your Infantry, the away team, and I. We split at a y-passage, some remaining behind to guard our backs. Your men went left, we went right. We placed explosives at each juncture - there were about three before the main compartment. It looked almost like a cargo bay, but was too empty. There were coils, wires, and chains running everywhere." 

*Must I go on?* 

Gireau nodded encouragingly. 

"Gireau hung from the rafters, attached by chains. The chains ran to other areas, and probably held other people at one time. The pirate king had a harem of psychic women my mother said were enslaved." She coughed to clear her throat. "I cut Gireau down with the electric blade he'd given me on one of our earliest missions. The blade cut easily through the chains themselves, but I had to bring Gireau back with the manacles still around his wrists. I led him to the extraction point, at which time I had Transpo bring us back. There were seven charges set around the extraction point. I noticed a far wall just beyond the point, but getting the captain back to the ship was my priority. As soon as we cleared, you blew the charges." 

Blackens' confusion sounded down the line. "13 charges total? Or nineteen? Sixteen? Be sure, people." 

Serena hummed under her breath, mentally applying herself to the conversation on the pirates' transport. "It was 19, Sir." Serena Saw what Blackens saw and hit her comms. "Get them out of there. Now! Get them out!" 

Blackens raised his hand, calling his men to stop, and stepped close to examine the land mine that had been set just in front of the Bridgeway. "Oh, shi-!" He barely had time to yell before the charges began beeping. He and his men braced for the explosion....and felt a warm heat suffuse them. No loud noises, no sudden quiet - cracking an eye open, they realized they'd been transported back aboard the StarKiller. 

*Bless you, Lady.* 

Serena's shoulders sagged as she received the mental communication. 

Gireau shook his head as he bit his lip to censor his response. "Blackens, crew here kept count. Your men missed a few." Blackens swore, cursing out his Infantry. "If it wasn't for the captain's wife and her memory, we wouldn't be alive right now! We all owe her our lives." The bitterness and scorn came across loud and clear.

 Gireau cut off the communication from the division leader and motioned his trusted circle to the conference room. He pulled Serena aside for a moment. "I know that was hard on you, Lady. Describe to me again how you found me?"

 Serena blushed. "Can I project it? My memory may be faulty, but some things were seared to my brain." 

Gireau pulled her close and held her upper arms in his hands. "Aye, Lady wife." He sucked in a harsh breath as she showed him what she'd seen, done, and how she'd felt. He slid his hands down and caught her fingers with his. "I - I had a dream...." He shook his head. "Not a dream. You kissed me, Lady wife. I thought I was hallucinating." 

Serena tugged him closer and pulled a hand free to cup his jaw. "Aye, Captain. 'Twas only a dream." She winked at him and he chuffed a laugh against her hair. 

"Those are some good dreams I had, then. Should I get captured again, and tortured, so I can fantasize about you coming to my rescue?" 

The scowl Serena shot him made him rethink his words. "Maybe I'll just stay here, safely by your side." He led her to the table. 

"Were we able to stop them all?" All reports seemed to indicate a successful halt of information; however, the way the empath avoided his gaze led him to believe she knew something she wasn't telling him. 

*Serena. Love. You know better than to keep secrets.* 

He held up a hand to prevent the next report. "My Lady. What do you know?"

 Serena leaned against the table, looking at each face. "One burst shot was sent out as the ship blew. I - I'm sorry." She glanced away, down to her right, and studied the pattern in the carpet. "They know our location. They know our plans. We must get our people to safety." 

Gireau jerked his head, calling the security officer's attention. "Increase security around my wife." Serena shook her head at him but he merely continued giving instructions. "How far are we from Waiave? Get me Wyeth and Meniere." 

The emperor and the empath joined them within minutes and took their seats, analyzing the data that scrolled by on the screens. 

"Well. Are you sure, my dear?" 

Serena nodded and chewed a thumbnail. "Yes, Aunt. It was encoded with a message for me." She turned away from Gireau, unable to meet his furious gaze. "He's coming for me. He wants to rendezvous at Space Station Duo. He said that he'll spare their lives when I surrender. Until then, he promises to slaughter all our friends, families, and contacts." 

Gireau clenched his fists and pressed them together. "Serena!" He bit off the reprimand. 

*Well. I'm telling you now.* 

She shook her head at him. "He knows we're headed to Waiave. He knows - he knows we know about the president and their agreement." 

*He doesn't know she plans to betray him. Maybe we can use that to our advantage?*

Gireau nodded thoughtfully. *Possibly. Give me time to think on it.*

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