Chapter 30

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Serena paced the ready room and teleported herself to the conservatory, then the HDT, but felt too restless. 

Meniere called her back to the conservatory. *What troubles you, Chld?

Serena settled beside her aunt. *Gireau wants children.

Meniere smiled in delight and clapped. *That's wonderful news! We Brillians value family above all else - it's so rare for us to have more than two children, and sometimes entire family lines die out because of a lack of breeding.*

Serena winced at the choice of word. "I don't - it was Rafel's plan. And now the United Alliance agrees with him." 

Meniere took Serena's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Serena, the decision does not have to be made now." She caught the slight motion of her niece's hand as it gravitated towards a slim stomach. "Does it?" 

Serena nodded. "I'm holding back the implantation. I only have another day, two at the most, before it's not longer viable."

 Meniere frowned and shook away her negative thoughts. "What holds you back, Child?" 

Serena sighed and made an aimless gesture. "Will you stay? Stay on and train us?" 

Meniere moved aside then resettled. "I promised you that you'll never be alone or unwanted, Child. I will do what I can for as long as I can."

 Serena grasped her aunt's hand and held it against her womb. "I'm scared." 

Meniere tugged her niece closer. "I'm here." 

Serena smiled and closed her eyes. "Done. It's done." 

Meniere gasped, covering Serena's belly with cupped hands. "Congratulations, my Lady. You're going to be a mother!" 

Serena's smile matched her aunt's. "I'll tell Gireau in a few weeks." She sighed and glanced away. "He's going to treat me like glass, Aunt." 

Meniere laughed and nodded. "Aye. It's his right, Serena. Will it be a boy or a girl?" 

Serena chewed on her lip. "I'd rather not say. The future is not clear yet."

Meniere nodded thoughtfully. "Okay. Is there a need to wait?" 

Serena shook her head then nodded again. "Aye. Our anniversary is next week. The week after that is his birthday. We're getting our orders the following week, and we'll be headed to the - oh! I can't say." 

Meniere giggled as Serena slapped a hand to her mouth. "Tell him now, Serena. It's a time of celebration." 

Serena blinked and teleported herself away. *Thank you, Aunt.*

 She reappeared in Gireau's ready room, pacing again. She'd only taken three steps when he entered and crossed to her. 

"Is something bothering you, Lady Wife?" 

Serena slid her arms around him, and pursed her lips as she looked up at him. 

"Hm. This is nice." Gireau cradled her to him and gently swung her around in his arms. He set her down on the couch. "I hope you like it." 

She frowned and followed his gaze. He'd upgraded the couch, changed the color, added some pillows and a throw blanket. "When did you do this?" 

Gireau shrugged. "We had some time on our hands. I put in for it during the coalition." 

Serena threw her arms around his neck. "This is great, Liam." She sat back primly. "It will give me a nice place to rest while our child is growing." She took his hand and placed it over her stomach. 

Gireau sat back, flabbergasted. 

Serena waved her hand in front of his face. "Liam? Liam, are you okay? Liam?" 

*I thought you wanted this.* She frowned and blinked, readying herself to teleport away. Galena could take care of the problem for her. 

Gireau grasped her wrist. *No! Serena - are you sure? I mean - we just talked about it. The Alliance - they can wait.*

Serena tugged her arm free. "I - I was able to withhold conception." She looked away. "I wasn't - I didn't - no one wanted me, Gireau. I was a burden, a weapon. My mother only kept me for those first years because she wanted me to kill Rafel. Rafel only wanted me because I could be a weapon. The Alliance only wanted me to drag everyone into their war. I don't - I didn't want that for my children." 

Gireau sat heavily beside the empath, remembering that she hadn't really had a family until she joined the StarKiller. He pulled her onto his lap, cradling her against him again. "I love you, Serena Corrolles. And I already love our children - how ever many we decide to have." He grinned, squeezing her tightly. "Are you sure?" Serena nodded. "This is great! But - but I thought you didn't want to raise a family aboard the ship." 

Serena snuggled closer. "I changed my mind." She smiled at him. "I can see the future, Gireau. The universe needs our offspring." She pulled his face to hers. "Now, tell me how wonderful I am and how excited you are." 

Gireau chuckled, running his hand down the side of her face, and proceeded to do exactly as his wife commanded.

Gireau strode onto the bridge. "Captain has the bridge!" He took his seat, smiling at his empath as she took the chair to his left. His XO took the right, and Dr. Galena Hopper sat in the far seat on the left. 

"It is with joyous hearts that we begin this, our second journey beyond the stars. The United Alliance is whole. Our family is together again. With President Phelps' blessing, it is my pleasure to set our course for 20 degrees north, four hours. By the time we reach our destination, we will have celebrated many marriages and births of our ever-expanding family. These times are fraught with danger and hope. It is only together that we are strong. Gireau out." 

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