Chapter 28

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"My grandparents worked hard over the next several months to bring the Alliance together. It was no longer a strictly humanoid corporation. It truly was becoming an inclusive community." The speaker coughed to clear her throat. "My grandparents' relationship still has its ups and downs. Dame Meniere and Commander Corrolles have worked these past centuries to extend Admiral Gireau's lifespan. The many medical and technological advances contributed from other species and their technological specialities, has ensured the extended lives of all our participant worlds. For a while, though, Commander Corrolles wasn't sure that she should pursue the near immortality of the Brillians. She is still undecided.


Serena's grin almost split her face. "Captain." She spun in her seat and motioned Gireau to pull up to the table. "I have gathered heads of state from every country and world in the solar system. In three days' time, leaders from every world in our galaxy will send their representatives." She nodded at each chair. "Interim President of the United Alliance, Senior Director Ra'him, Admiral Coppenhagen, President Allen, Queen Victoria the Third, Queen Elizabeth the Ninth of Europe, the African president, the American panel, and the Russian president will be with us momentarily."

She tipped her head up to more closely study her husband. "I deserve your ire, Captain. I disobeyed a direct order." She lowered her eyes, her lashes almost closed. 

Gireau placed his hands on either side of her neck and kneaded the tensed muscles there, nodding at the three other individuals in the room. "You did as I directed, Lieutenant." He gently squeezed before taking a seat. "I did say to do whatever you must, Lady." He felt the angst she didn't hide, the confusion, the upset and the distrust, and nodded at her. "Bring me up to speed, Lady Serena."

Serena motioned to the other people. "These are the station heads. They were being held hostage by President Green, after receiving the vidblast we sent out. They lived through the pirate king's attack, and saw to the protection of all who remained aboard. Their children live on Earth, but their in-laws are alien in nature. They are favorable to having a truly united alliance." 

Gireau cocked an eyebrow at his wife. "What is the goal for the meeting in three days' time?" 

Serena blushed. "I act only in the capacity as a representative of Brillia. I have no standing in the talks, other than to keep the peace, ensure there is no manipulation, and there are no backdealings." 

*You didn't want to be the standard under which we gather.* Gireau saw the weight that bore down on her. *Who is bringing everyone together, Serena?*

Serena grinned again. *You are, Sir.*

"I have instructed all heads, leaders, and representatives to make themselves known to you but to not have any further contact until after the talks. They are not to try to influence or sway you, Sir."

  *Do they know you're my wife, Serena?*

Serena nodded. *Aye. They voted on having you here, since you are human and your wife is an alien. I thought that it might cause a conflict of interest, but you aren't really 'in charge' so much as just hosting and providing security. However, because you have experience from these past several years on the outer borders, you have a wider knowledge base and palate for the aliens species. The heads of state, leaders, and representatives from earth are to take their direction from you, Sir. You are, after all, the hero of the Battle of Terrors.*

Gireau chewed on his lip in contemplation. *What of Wyeth and his family?*

Serena's eyes lit up. *The Jaadha ai are similar to humans in physiology. The Waiave are similar enough in physiology to the Jaadha ai to be compatible, as it evidenced by their offspring. They are a prime example of two species joining together in unity.* 

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