Chapter 5

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"There were a few more individuals they engaged in relations with; some that Captain Gireau felt warranted extra attention from his security team. His instincts, which were already fine, seemed to sharpen and become more defined so that he soon developed an ability to pinpoint a certain mannerism or tone of voice that set him on edge. The years passed with many epic battles, standoffs, peaceful resolutions, and accord. The passengers came and went; some were powerful statesmen and women while others were poor in social standing within their own cultures. Through it all, Corrolles stood behind her captain.Many leaders and spokespeople requested Corrolles personally and had nothing but good things to say about the young linguist."

Section 1. Traveling with Diplomats

Archive: 2188_08_31-2194_05_13


Serena Corrolles shivered at a cold air that swept over the ship. They'd just been scanned by some unknown entity. She glanced up and met Commander Phelps' startled gaze. "Midshipman, scan hailing frequencies." She nodded and ran the program Galloway had shown her a few days prior. 

"Sir, I have something." She sent the decryption to Phelps' PC. His eyes widened and he shook his head. "Sir, we're being hailed." 

Venturie scowled. "Well? Let's hear it." 

Corrolles frowned and looked back over at Phelps. He jerked his head in acknowledgement; she pushed the button to transmit the squeals and hisses over the bridge's speakers. "Decrypting now." Her hand hovered over the console, waiting for Venturie to give a sign. 

The captain's second-in-command shook his head. "Any minute now, Midshipman." 


The computer's robotic voice sounded. "Stop there. Who are you? Relay your travel codes now. Access is restricted beyond this point. All trespassers will be detained and investigated. Turn back now." The message played on a loop. 

Nav frowned and spun to face the commander. "Your orders, Sir?"

 Venturie tightened his fingers into a fist. "Comms, record and transmit." Serena pushed the appropriate buttons and levers. 


"This is Commander Ace Venturie of the United Alliance, of Planet Earth. We come in peace." Serena ran the translation program she worked on daily; she could only hope that the more formal language wouldn't cause problems. She wished she could talk more directly with them; however, she went on Phelps' command, and he urged caution with his body language. 

The message repeated. "Turn back. Continued unauthorized access will result in termination.

Venturie pushed up, anger driving him. "Now see here! We are on a peaceful mission. We'll turn aside; simply provide the coordinates to a safe path." 

The ship rocked from an impact with some invisible hand that batted it aside. "Whining children who take no responsibility for their actions. Ignorance is no excuse. Your only warning has been given. Termination is eminent." 

Serena's scowl deepened and she eyed the commander. His hesitancy fed her own concerns. Phelps glared at Venturie and nodded at the linguist. 

"Commander, let the linguist speak with them. Maybe there's something lost in translation." 

Venturie scoffed under his breath but then studied the midshipman, considering what he knew about her. "Very well, Midshipman. We want to survive this encounter." 

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