Chapter 6

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"They encountered one individual who had a great impact on the Alliance's future, and on Commander Corrolles' growth and control. Up until this moment, she'd been untried, feeling her way through her duties as an empath. When they met the Dame, Corrolles' role became more concrete. That was when she was called to take her position in the annals of our history." 

 Section 1


Dame Meniere

Gireau sat back in his chair, reading the communique direct from President Green. "Gator, set a course for Space Station Tres. Master Thoreau, put together a retrieval team. We're picking up a diplomat, a Dame Meniere. She's purported to be a friend of the United Alliance, a leader in Galactic Quadrant Four. She's recently come under attack; we are to discover who would harm our friend and see her safely home to her planet of Brillia." 

Direct-comming the ombudsman's department, Gireau prepared himself for more civilians. "Graves, get me family life. We're taking on 300 new passengers." Turning to his XO, he nodded at the names she proposed. Later, when he considered it, he would make whatever adjustments he deemed necessary. 

Once docked, a detail of 20 officers carried over from the Star-Killer to retrieve the empath. The StarKiller's own diplomatic officer, Kelly Green, quietly informed the captain of proper etiquette with the ambassador.

 "Her title is Dame; it means that she's a master of sorts. She is a powerful empath and telepath. Keep your thoughts guarded, Captain, but don't try to hide the truth from her." Green moved aside as Corrolles took the official interpreter's position slightly behind the captain.

The retrieval team walked the station until they arrived at a small, shielded lobby. Corrolles took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing for the first time in seventeen years as they entered the room.

 *Hello, Child. My greetings to your captain and his crew. I really find this a bit much to do, but your president insists. I gratefully accept the offer of a ride to my home. This should be interesting!

An imposing woman bedecked in flowing robes rose from a low settee to seemingly tower over her visitors.

Corrolles grinned at the empath, the first real smile she'd ever shown. The men on the team stood taller, taking notice of the girl's dimples and flashing eyes. "Our greetings to you, Dame Meniere. We will do our best to help keep you entertained." She replied drolly, filling the heavy silence.

Dame Meniere chuckled. "What a delight!" She smiled at the wide eyes of the captain and his crew. "You don't live to be as old as I am without picking up a few things here and there." Her eyes narrowed as the men immediately wanted to ask her age.

"Now, Dame, behave. You're a bit much for the captain!" The humor in the teen's voice was obvious and called the rest of the team to attention.

Dame Meniere's eyes glinted as she turned to the young crewmember. "My dear child, I'm a bit much for anyone!" She held out her hand and Corrolles stepped forward, bowed over it, ignoring the diplomat as he moved to greet the older woman. He drew back, unsure how to proceed with this change in what he'd been told. 

"Aye, Dame Meniere. Which is why President Green assigned you a personal protective detail. It is not that she thinks you cannot protect yourself; it is only that she deems you a valuable friend and would hate to see any more trouble come to you. Let us lend you aid in whatever way we can."

The Dame's eyes gleamed. "Well said, Child." She took the girl's arm, leaving the captain and his team behind. *Walk with me.* Heads bent together, Corrolles escorted their esteemed guest toward the ship.

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