Chapter 13

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Gireau startled awake, fighting the cool hands that pressed him back into the life-signs pod. "Easy, Gireau. Easy Captain." His eyes desperately searched for the one familiar face he needed to see, his head fell back, fear pressing in on him from every side. Then soothing warmth.

 "Easy, Captain. She's here. You have to calm down or she won't be allowed to stay."

Why had he ever thought to keep her abilities a secret? If only everyone knew, then they'd know that she's the one person he needed the most. A healing heat suffused his body and he sighed in relief. He dreamed the press of lips to his forehead, fingers stroking his brow. He hadn't known such a comforting touch since before his mother died and he entered the Academy. He sought the source, turning, grimacing in pain. Soon, the comfort returned as he relaxed into a deep sleep.

"How is he, Doctor?" While Serena knew herself capable of reading the medical results, she respected the boundary of roles. 

"Not well. Severe dehydration, malnutrition, fever, infection, broken and dislocated bones - all of it will heal, though even with the aid of our machines, it will take time. He will recover faster if everyone will leave him alone."

Stricken, Serena excused herself. The doctor held out a staying hand. "Not you, my dear. He calls out for you and grows restless when you're not here. You must stay."

Serena resumed her seat by his bedside, laid a gentle hand on his chest, counted his every breath. By the third interruption of a crew member coming to check on him, Serena echoed the doctor's sentiments. "Let's move him to our quarters, Doctor. The pod will work well there and he'll have fewer interruptions."

Galena hesitated and Serena instilled confidence she didn't really feel. "I am a certified nurse, Doctor. If I have any trouble, I'll contact you immediately."

Glancing out the door, the doctor counted eight more visitors who waited to see the captain. "Very well. But don't hesitate to call. And the pod will sound an alert if he's in distress."

The pod settled in the room, Serena took the bed down to a narrow size to fit the machine. She stayed true to her word and remained by his side. She continued her special projects work from her cabin, taking infrequent breaks. 

Each time Gireau stirred, he saw her face, knew her scent. The day he remained awake for any length of time, his thoughts cemented on her. Marrying an empath could be a good thing, and made me stronger as a leader, but was that a reason to stay in an unwanted relationship? 

He knew that up until now they'd been nothing more than friends though his body stirred at the mere thought of her. This last month of recuperation had seen her by his side as his own personal nurse. As a result, he witnessed the toll being around his weakened self took on her.

Gireau pondered several things while Serena moved around their cabin, preparing a light meal to soothe his hunger pangs. The entire bridge crew recognized a difference in their captain since his marriage. Many of them attributed the change to a steady lover; none knew the lack of consummation.

Even Venturie verbally acknowledged that the girl was not meant for the first mate but for the captain.

Fed, bathed, and recently declared fit for duty, Gireau resumed his seat on the bridge, hailing the crew. 

"This is the captain speaking. As you all know, I ransomed myself to the pirates not too long ago. Some very brave people risked their lives to rescue me. I owe them my life. My own wife, Lieutenant Serena Corrolles, led the team that successfully retrieved me and annihilated four battle cruisers. For reasons that I will not explain, I request from you, then, that I release the lieutenant from our marriage and that she be granted the rights of a divorce. She is a good friend to us all, a strong support, and one of the fiercest warriors to ever serve with us."

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