Chapter 21

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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual abuse and rape discussed here.

Section One: A Settlement Accord

Liam awakened with the chiming of his comm. 

*We're going to have to discuss this ability of yours.* 

He growled upon finding himself alone.Serena sent him a thought of them together, her laughing into his eyes. His comm interrupted his train of thought and he grabbed it up. "Gireau."

"Captain, Dr. Hopper is ready for medical transport. She's requesting a shuttle to handle the rather large numbers."

Liam scowled. "Send a security team down with it. Have Lady Serena meet me in transpo."

*Love, we're needed planetside.* 

He felt her dislike at the idea. 

*Come. I won't leave your side.*

Serena reluctantly agreed to meet him in transport. Gireau leapt onto the transfer plate and held out his hand. Serena took it as he curled an arm around her. "Ready."

"My Lady!" Serena heard the dreaded title immediately. Liam wrapped her hand around his arm and pat it. They set off together to answer the call of the people.

Charlotte waved, beckoning them over, and Security Officer Kelly Green ran up. "Captain!"

Serena tightened her grip on his arm then let go. Liam held her in place. "Green. Walk with us."

Shooting Liam an odd look, Kelly fell in beside them. "Sir. Emperor Wyeth would like an audience with you and Lady Serena."

They paused where Charlotte directed their attention and studied her project. "Lady Serena, the villagers say there won't be enough food if we send all of this. I have explained that there's plenty, plus we found Hailai's stores that had already been laid up."

Serena thanked Charlotte and frowned at the protesting villagers. "Are you really that uncertain?" She turned towards the emperor in the distance. "That man has every right to blast your planet out of existence, to take your people captive, to look for retribution by any means. Yet he offers to help you in exchange for a few supplies. His people have no more than a month's worth of food. What you put together now, what you share, will save lives. His men, his technology, will be here soon. That technology can plow your fields for you, or even teach you new ways to grow and store your food." She gestured to Charlotte. "Doctor Lee is knowledgeable about such things." She stared pointedly at them. "When you doubt her, you doubt me." 

She allowed disappointment to cross her face. "Thank you, Charlotte. We'll stop back by to check your progress after we speak with the emperor and see how his preparations go." The warning was there. Backs straightened, anger faded, and the people set to work.

Wyeth attempted a smile through his crooked mouth.

"You look much better than when we saw you last night, Highness." Serena curtsied as they drew near. Wyeth bowed respectfully and Serena scowled at him. "You demanded to see us, Highness?" Wyeth's eyes sparked his delight at her ready tongue.

Serena turned to her captain. "Emperor Wyeth would like to thank you for his warm welcome among your crew and the generous care of our ship's medical doctor, not only for himself but also for his companion and their twins." Serena's scowl was replaced by a very sweet smile.

"The Emperor would ask to take advantage of the Captain's generosity and requests that you bind them in matrimony." Serena listened for a moment then nodded her head at Wyeth. "I will speak with her. Captain?"

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