Chapter 20

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Liam awakened completely refreshed, and turned, expecting to find Serena beside him. He frantically reached out for her when he remembered that she disappeared last night. 


*I hope you slept well, Captain. The Jaadha ai away party merely waits for the Waiave delegates and the crew from our ship.*

Liam's heart rate settled as he clutched his chest. *Where did you disappear to last night?*

Serena laughed, a light, airy tickle in his mind. 

*Dame Meniere said I need to learn some of your legendary control. I've been practicing. Now, be a good captain and stick to the plan.*

Liam growled from his chest.

 *I can't wait for this to be over. I miss you.*

Serena faltered a moment in her steps but soon regained her poise. 

*How odd. That is an emotion I'm not sure I'm familiar with - other than the survivors and children we rescued.*

*Longing. Desire. Need. Hunger. Thirst. Sorrow. Happiness. You know those emotions, Lady wife. The word may be one you're not familiar with, but you know the meaning.*

 Liam strapped his weapons on, including his standard laser gun, electric blade, longsword, leather vest and boots. He pulled his uniform on over it all, leaving only the blade visible and his sword secured on his back. 

*Are you sure you don't want me to be your bodyguard, Lady?*

Serena smiled graciously at the other crew members with the Waiave envoy. All the women dressed exotically, reflecting position and social status. 

Dame Meniere sported heavy silver and gold jewelry, signifying that she held a position of great import. Sarah, the nanny, chose to dress in a simple gown of homespun wool with semi-precious stones studded into the belt around her waist. Charlotte donned silver, showing that she was to be respected. Galena picked silver with bits of gold. Liam only had eyes for Serena, though. Serena, who wore a gown of silk and bears only a single brooch of diamonds that danced and changed color in the light. He realized that she far outshines them all, her diamonds setting her far apart from anyone else.

Dame Meniere interrupted his musings, mirth coloring her chastisement. 

*Captain. Pay attention!*

Liam grinds his teeth and turns to the transport officer. "Away team ready." Many people expect the teleportation beam to be hot, or cause some discomfort, but Liam finds he enjoys the experience - like a welcome embrace after a hard day at work. Not that he would know anything about that.

The Waiave envoy sidled next to Serena. "I don't remember seeing you aboard the ship." Curiosity colors his gaze. "I think I would recognize someone of such great beauty."

Serena ignored him as he would not a suitable match for someone of her standing. Dame Meniere motioned them forward, where she greeted the Jaadha ai representatives. "Greetings. I am Dame Meniere of Solastal, Brillia. These are my friends, Sarah, Galena, and Charlotte. We have brought you the Waiave delegates."

The leader of the group, wearing silver, gold, and fine stones, studied each woman. She barely acknowledged the males, her lip curling in distaste. "You did not introduce me to one more."

Dame Meniere bowed respectfully. "We mean no harm." She ushered Serena forward. "This is Lady Serena."

The Jaadha ai all bowed or curtsied while their leader eyed Serena's simple gown and single adornment. "Do you jest?" She sniffed. "Only the most powerful, the most terrible, of your people, Dame Meniere, ever earn the title of Lady. She is to command respect, based on her title alone."

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