Chapter 19

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Section One. A New People - a Warlike Society


The bugs were worked out in Serena's translation program, the current issues resolved, the day before they begin orbiting the traveling diplomat's planet of Waiave. 

"Sir, Lady Serena's thesis project is ready for publication to the surrounding space stations." Commander Mays handed the notice to the captain. She bit back a grin at the pride that puffed him up and the sudden longing that filled his eye. She turned aside while he returned to his ready room. 

*Serena, Love. Congratulations. Join us in my ready room for a debriefing.* 

He sent his thoughts of his pride in her, his satisfaction that he would have his wife back where she belonged. He picked up on her own uncertainty and felt a sudden grief. Gireau was attuned to every nuance, every motion, his wife made. 

He barely heard the other departments' concerns as he watched her prepare her report. She froze at something that filtered through from engineering and he asked them to repeat their matter. The FTL drive kicked offline, leaving them confused as to the cause. 


He studied Serena, joining her as she did a quick mental and emotional scan of the ship's people. "Weapons systems compromised."

Gireau didn't bat an eye at her claim. "Okay. Run a weapons check while you're at it. I'll send someone down to help you shortly." 

*Can you pinpoint it?*

 Serena turned her head slightly to the side. 

*Our friend is still upset, and there are some civilians with marital issues, but no hate and malice as before.*

 Gireau ushered her to the table, took a seat, and moved the discussions along, not giving time for anyone to question him. He held up his tablet and nodded at Serena to to provide a verbal assessment. The assembled crew all followed along with her. 

"The envoy comes from a very war-like society. Deceit seems to be how they operate. They claim to want to broker peace with the Jaadha Ai - the illuminated ones. The Jaadha Ai are a technology-free folk, but the desire is there for more. They're farmers, land developers, very much in a feudal period; however, this is their people's third cycle as such. Their hope is that getting to space will interrupt the cycle and allow them to really grow as a people. One other thing of note, though, is that the Jaadha Ai are mainly women. Men are only useful for breeding and hard labor. Every advance their people have made was at the discovery of a woman." 

Serena met the disbelieving stares of the bridge crew. "The Waiave have men aplenty but their women have died out. The wars are too many and have overwhelmed them all. The last child was born four years ago, his mother dying in birth."

Gireau was impressed; he hadn't realized just how much information she could glean from a species' language. "Recommendations?"

"Dame Meniere must accompany you to everything. She is a well-respected empath and powerful in her own right. Everyone in the universe recognizes her name." She paused for a moment, her chest rising and falling as she took a deep breath. "In dealing with the Waiave, you need steel tempered with fire and grace. Your strongest fighters will meet the envoy best. Venturie, Leo, Kelly - both from the security team and respected warriors, and of course yourself." She barely cast an eye his way as she looked around the room. 

"In dealing with the Jaadha Ai, you need strong, but kind, women. I would take Doctors Hopper and Lee, and Sarah from the nursery." Gireau's eyes hardened; she hadn't mentioned herself and he wanted - no, needed - her with him. He stiffened, gearing himself up for an argument, but Galena beat him to the question. 

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