Chapter 22

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Section One: A Hard Assignment

Liam retrieved his wife, guiding her through the town as she reassured everyone that she hadn't been hurt while she was missing. He led her to the long tables lining the outskirts of the village green, taking a seat for dinner with the villagers and the crew who cycled down. 

Liam cleared his throat, pushing his plate aside. "Lady wife," he hesitated, considering the best way to broach the necessary subject. "No. I must speak as your captain. But know that as your husband I will always see to your safety." He knew that Serena felt his upset and appreciated her acknowledging his words. 

"Aye, Captain."

"I want us to immediately begin vetting our crew members for their mental health and stability. I may never know why my first mate has behaved in such a way. I know we all go through a rigorous psychological evaluation before each assignment; however, we've been out here for 8 years now. We have at least 10 more to go before we cycle back to Earth. In all this time, I never suspected Ace of harming another person." 

Liam motioned for Kelley Green to join them. "I don't believe a man takes such action only once in his life. I want you and Kelley to work together and ferret out the history of any questionable individual." 

He turned to Kelley, motioning towards the orbiting ship. "When we lay in at Space Station Septem, I want to turn Venturie over to the brig there. He'll be their responsibility. However, I also want to know if we missed - something."

Gireau shook his head subtly, cutting off the sympathetic glance Kelley offered Serena. "Aye, Captain. Lady Serena, it will be my pleasure."

"In the meantime, I've asked Lady Serena to begin evaluating crew members' mental stability. It may be that these longer journeys are less welcome to some than others." 

Gireau listened as Kelley agreed and the two made a plan to begin working with the Dame and Galena, which they would implement immediately.

Gireau never really had to worry about age, not with his stance against marriage. Now, with medical advances and longer lifespans he began to wonder and studied his young wife. Rising swiftly, he held out his arm, interrupting their conversation. "Lady Serena, walk with me?" He pat her fingers as she grasped his elbow; he led her to amble through the village green, waving at passersby as he took her to the top of a hill overlooking the town.

His muscles tensed and flexed when Serena squeezed his biceps. Turning her, he had her sit on the bench under the swaying branches. "It is so lovely out here, Captain." He admired the curve of her jaw, her face lifted to the night sky, and sighed heavily.

"Is it hard?"

"Is what hard?" He saw the moment she realized what he meant. 

"At times, I have to be only the captain, but I'm never not your husband." Liam shifted and fell into an "at-ease" stance. His heart leaped when Serena kept hold of his arm.

"Aye, Captain. It's just easier to call you 'captain' than by your name." He adored the cheeky grin she shot him. "Of course, for the longest time, your name was only Captain!"

Liam smiled at her and eased his arm out from under her hand, securing her fingers in his. "Serena, I am a hard man."

"At times, aye."

 "But you have made me gentle." He drew in a deep breath. "I can reveal parts of myself that I never even knew I had, Serena, and I do trust you. We were friends before we were lovers, and we were married before we were even friends." He shifted about nervously. "I love you." 

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