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Hoseok and Jin danced in sync well Namjoon and Ye-Jun also danced in sync. All Hosoek could hear was his own breaths and the sound of V's soft laugh.

Hoseok and Jin continued to dance to the rest of the song once it was over they continued to cheer. But it wasnt 'dance' they were chanting 'Hoseok!' Jin pushed Hosoek back to the floor and he turned flustered from everyone's amazed face.

"No!.." Hosoek said well trying to back out. Suddenly he felt Jimin put his arm around him. "Dance to the song and I'll be right next to u." Jimin said softly. Hoseok nodded nervously and waited for a song to play.

Hoseok heared the song and once again could only hear his breath and V's laugh. He danced the rest of the night slighly drunk and dancing with sober Jimin. Later that night he took a break and drank more. "U did amazing Hoseok!" Jin said well laughing. Namjoom agreed and so did Ye-Jun. "Well I need the bathroom real quick be right back." Hoseok said before leaving into the crowd to the bathroom.

He entered and sighed as he looked himself sadly in the mirror. He heared the door open and shut. "Hey I'm in here!" Hoseok said well looking who it was. "Oh V..." Hoseok said slighly panicked. V walked more towards him. "Your a good dancer." V said well grabbing Hoseok's waist.

Hoseok whimpered and turned away. "I know I fucked up with Aera but I told her not to come because I'm in love with u!" V said well making Hosoek look at him. Hoseok placed his head on V's chest and sighed. "I've missed u idiot!" Hoseok said well pressing the rest of there bodys together.

V picked up Hoseok and placed him on the counter. They kissed passionately for awhile before they heared yelling and screaming. They  peeked through the door. They saw everyone gone including Jungkook. "What the fuck?" Hoseok said under his breath.

They started to sneak to the door before Hoseok heared something he recognized. He looked back and saw Ye-Jun in the corner. "Go!" Hoseok whispered to V. Hoseok ran to the corner where Ye-Jun was and crouched down to talk to him. "We have to go u will be safe in the car and tell me what happened." Hoseok whispered slightly still wasted.

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