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V quickly flipped Hoseok and got on top of Hoseok with a smirk.

Hoseok smiled and looked away. V pinned Hoseok's hands above his head.

"Never act brave with me Hoseok." V warned. "Now let's go Jungkookie will be waiting." V said and stood up.

"We need to get dress and we will go visit Jimin." V told Hoseok and grabbed clothes. Hoseok stood up and walked out the room.

Hoseok turned a corner and saw that Jungkookie was waiting. "Do u need clothes?" Hoseok asked well looking down.

Jungkookie nodded. "Okay u can go to my room and find something." Hoseok pointed at his room.

He nodded and headed to the room. "So what Jungkook is going to start making surprise visits now?" Asked Jin with a smirk.

Hoseok scoffed and pushed Jin aside. "I'm not eating breakfast today." Hoseok told Jin and looked through the fridge.

"Okay have u seen Joonie?" Jin asked and looked at Hoseok. "What no have u not seen him?" Hoseok said.

Jin scoffed and looked back at the food. "Why would I ask then!?" Jin said in a smartass way. Hoseok laughed and closed the fridge door.

"I'll check around just let me get dressed." Hoseok assured Jin and left the kitchen. He grabbed clothes and went into the bathroom. "Oh shit my bad!" Hoseok yelled and faced the other way.

Hoseok had walked onto V in the bathroom. "Its not like I'm completely naked... Yet..." V teased and closed the door before Hoseok could leave.

Hoseok let out a tiny gasp and didnt turn back around. "Wh-what ar-are u-u d-doing?" Hoseok nervously stuttered.

V smirked and made Hoseok turn to face him. "Don't be nervous Hoseok. Go ahead leave.." V said softly and removed his hand from the door.

Hoseok rushed out with a sigh. "Fuck.." Hoseok groaned to himself. He heared a door open and he looked.

"Sorry just came back from getting coffees

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"Sorry just came back from getting coffees." Namjoon told them and placed coffees on the table. Hoseok went rushing to get a coffee.

He sipped his coffee before he heared Jungkookie's voice humming.

"Is Tae not out yet!?" Jungkookie slightly complained

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"Is Tae not out yet!?" Jungkookie slightly complained. Hoseok nodded and handed him a coffee. "I'm going to go shower." Hoseok told them before he left to the bathroom.

Jin came out from his room and looked around the corner.

"Since when did my house become a hotel!?" Jin complained

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"Since when did my house become a hotel!?" Jin complained.

We are almost at the end and for the people who made it to the end thank u for reading all that way 🥺❤

(I also will take request on people who have ideas for a new story!)

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