Chapter 9: For You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

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A/N: We have reached Enj's power ballad!  

I hope you listen to it, as it is an anthem of the entire novel and the lyrics are SO relatable! 

 I also highly recommend the movie it's from, "Beaches..." (your parents might know it) for ages 15+.

~Vive La France!~

Trigger warning: Violent, somewhat graphic flashback to the barricades...please skip if this will disturb you.  I want this to be fun, not's meant to shock, not to disturb.  Please skip if you are even slightly uncomfortable.


I listened to her silence, after I spoke those three words, and I despised myself for being unable to say more to her.

Then I felt her arms from around behind me, and I winced slightly as her arm brushed against my wound.  She held me close, still not replying.

"Say something," I managed to say.

"I knew, Enjolras, I knew," she said, in a voice that was close to tears.  "Everyone knew, which made it so that the barricades are over, we don't have to hide."

The moment she dared to think the word barricades, the memories came flooding back in a flashback...


Everyone running for cover, Combeferre herding everyone out of the area...

Bahorel firing the last cannon...

Myself, waiting for everyone to have left, giving them a head start...

I had already accepted my fate...

Grantaire, realizing what I was doing...

Realizing this was not my fate, jumping in front of me, shielding me with his life...

The struggle to try and push him off, and away to safety...

His unrelenting dedication to protect the one person he cared about...

And I never knew, until that moment, how he felt, until he turned his face to mine, to whisper the words:

"Do you permit it?"

Myself, uncomprehending, still trying to push him away, frantically yelling for him to get away to safety...

The bullets, ripping through his body...

Had I nodded?  Had I given him permission?  This I could not remember...

I awoke from my flashback, and gave a loud cry of anguish.

The bullets...

I couldn't save him...

Yet he was able to save I could stay I could still love...

...yet he would never be able to love again...

It wasn't fair.  The one person I loved was in front of me now, while Grantaire died trying to save the one person he loved...


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