chapter 48

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Lyra rolled over in the bed and tried to remember something

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Lyra rolled over in the bed and tried to remember something. 

It was something important.  Then as she became more awake, her eyes flew open and she sat up. 

Jungkook!! He loved her and he had loved her, her body sore in all the right places, bruises and love marks all over her body.

He was not in the bed with her and she felt a pang of disappointment. 

Then she heard her shower and his voice.  He was singing. She sat, hugging her knees and rocking herself to the sounds.  His voice was beautiful, rich and soulful like the man himself.

She gingerly slipped from the bed.  She had pulled off his dress shirt last night so that she could sleep naked curled next to him. It was the best sleep she had in years.

She grabbed the silk robe from the floor and tied it around her on the way to the fridge.  She took a diet coke for herself and a bottle of his favorite milk for him.

The shower and concert were ongoing as she reached the bathroom again.

She stood at the door, unsure what to do.  He had left the door open, but she was hesitant to walk in on him. 

But then she saw him. 

He was standing with his back to her, his body toned and golden in the soft light.  She took a minute to appreciate the length of his legs and the muscles as he moved.

She appreciated his toned thighs, thick and strong.  

She flushed as she remembered him nudging her knees apart to rest a muscular thigh between her legs.

Her eyes drifted over him, memorizing the curve of his ass and the broad width of his back. 

Water ran in rivets down his body, making a path for her imagination, or her tongue.

His hair was wet and jet black, hanging in dripping ringlets down his neck.

It really was not fair for a man to be this beautiful.

He slowly turned, his song having reached the end and he smiled when he saw her, belting out a big finish while he ran his soap filled hands over his body.

She swallowed hard as the bubbles followed his hands down his stomach, across his beautiful cock and down those muscular legs. His body was a work of art.

He saw her hot gaze down his body and he groaned. 

When her eyes reached his again, he winked and did a turn for her, droplets of water raining off of him.

“You like?" he asked.

She smiled and moved toward him and he panicked.

“ Nooo, nooooo!!” he said, holding his hand to ward her off. “I am already late for work.  Today is a major meeting and if I see you wet, I will never make it."

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