Crush Culture

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POV Kate

"I know a subtle way to tell Meg you like her!" Kylie exclaimed. I love Ky with my whole heart, but sometimes she doesn't know when to bud out of things.

"What Meg and I have is fine, I don't want to ruin it. So what if we're just friends? I'd rather have her as a best friend than not at all. She doesn't like me back, it's just gonna make things awkward." I looked up at Kylie and saw her shocked expression.


"No buts Kylie, this is the end of the conversation. Confessing my feelings will only lead to bad things."

"Can't I just tell you?" Why does she keep prying, I've told her no a thousand times.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, but I realized that maybe I'm being too harsh. She's just trying to help. "Okay, I'm sorry. What's your idea?"

"Post something on your Snapchat story about liking someone, she'll get curious and ask you who. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?"

"She could decide she doesn't want to be friends anymore and I can't go through losing her. I've been through so much and I just need a break. I'm scared, Kylie. This is all new to me and I don't know what to do." She could tell I was fighting back tears so she moved to sit closer to me. I laid my head on her shoulder and let out a sad laugh. "Why can't life just be simple?"

"Because then it wouldn't be worth living." She smiled and rubbed my arm. Maybe I should tell Meg. I know that whatever happens, I'll always have Kylie, and even if I lose my best friend, I'll still have my little sister.

"It's hard to believe you're younger than me. You're really smart kid. I'll do it." I grabbed my phone and opened Snapchat. I typed out the post but I hesitated to add it to my story.

"Do it you wimp!" Kylie took the phone and posted it.

"What if we're blowing this out of proportion and she doesn't even ask?"

"We'll worry about that if it comes down to it. Get some sleep, you have work tomorrow. Are we meeting for lunch?"

"Yeah. Goodnight."

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