Home Sick

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POV Kate

It was the next day and I slept in Meg's hospital room. She wasn't awake yet, so I went down to the gift shop. As I walked in, a pink stuffed dragon caught my eye. I walked past it and looked around the rest of the shop, but I found myself coming back to the dragon every time. "Oh fuck it, she's gonna love it." I picked up the dragon and a card and headed to the register.

I payed for the gifts and heard my name as I walked out. "Kate, wait up!" It was Kylie and Kasper. I met up with them.

"How was your night? Kasper, did you get some rest? You seemed pretty out of it yesterday."

"Our night was okay. Yeah, I slept for 11 hours. I've been so worried about Meg that I haven't been able to sleep."

"You're a good friend Kasper, you mean a lot to Meg. Why don't you go up there and see if she's awake? I'm sure she'd like to hang out with you. Kylie and I will get coffee and bring it up." She nodded at me and headed towards the elevator.

"Sooo, what happened with you and Meg after we left?" Kylie will always meddle in my love life and that's just a fact.

"Nothing, we went on a walk and she got tired so we went to her room and slept. Very uneventful. What kind of coffee do you want?" I walked around her to get to the coffee machine in the hospital cafeteria.

"Is uneventful code word for intense and romantic?" She teased.

"No dummy. Do you think Meg can drink coffee yet? Maybe I should bring her something to eat instead, she's probably sick of jello."

"Kate, quit avoiding the question. And the doctors are making her eat jello for a reason, what if she doesn't chew enough and she chokes?"

"I'm not avoiding it, I already answered. I'll bring her a pancake and tell her to chew it a lot. I feel bad for her, she probably misses real food. Besides, she loves pancakes."

"Kate, you're an awful liar. And don't give her syrup, it's too sticky, it'll make it harder for her to chew."

"Fine! We danced next to the fountain and when we got back to her room she gave me a letter confessing her feelings for me. Should I get her a blueberry pancake since she can't have syrup?"

"Oh my god! That's amazing! What did you say?? Just get her a buttermilk pancake, everyone likes those, not everyone likes the blueberry ones."

"I just asked her how long she's felt that way and held her until she fell asleep. Let's go, can you carry these?" I handed her two of the coffees. I got 4, one for each of us, me, Kylie, Kasper, and Meaghan's mom.

"So are you gonna date?" She grabbed the coffees and we started walking back towards the room.

"I don't know."


"Hey buddy, you awake?"

I opened my eyes and the sunlight shone bright in my face. I cringed and Kasper went to shut the curtains.

"I guess." I pulled my blanket over my head. I removed it from my head after I remembered how uncomfortable these blankets are. "This blanket is so fucking scratchy and for what reason." I complained as Kasper laughed at me.

"I'm sorry I left last night, I was exhausted. Did you do okay while I was gone?" Kasper's my best friend, which automatically makes her my wingman.

"Yeah. Hey, do you remember a couple weeks ago when you told me to write down all of my feelings about Kate?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I gave it to her. She knows how I feel."

"That's amazing dude! I'm so proud of you.

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