Did you miss me?

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POV Kate:

"Hi, is this Mrs. Walter? I'm Meghan's best friend, Kate." I finally got Meg's mom's number after 2 hours of searching for it. Kylie was sitting next to me on the bed, picking at her finger nails.

"Hi Kate, I've heard so much about you. What do you need sweetie? Is everything okay?" This woman is adorable, I see where Meg gets it from.

"Everything's fine, I was just wondering if my sister and I could fly up this weekend to surprise Meg." I talked to her mom for about 15 minutes before hanging up. We went through the details and worked out some kinks, but everything should go smoothly. I was able to get Friday off work, so Kylie and I are flying out in the morning and getting there Friday night. I'm more than excited to finally get to see Meg again, it's been way too long. I've never missed someone as much as I miss her. Kylie left and went back to her room and I got ready to go to Jayden's.

*at Jayden's house*

"Hey, Kate! What's up! These are my roommates Maddi and Tyler." I shook both of their hands and gave Jayden a hug. We went to the living room and hung out for a bit, Jayden and I on the couch, Maddi on the arm chair, and Tyler on the floor. Jayden put her hand on my thigh and just held it there. I couldn't help but stare at her hand. I moved my leg and scooted away from her. What's wrong with me? This is what I wanted. She gave me a glance but respected my decision and kept her hand away.

"So who wants to make homemade pizza for dinner?" Jayden asked. Maddi and Tyler got up and ran to the kitchen.

"I beat you!" Maddi teased.

"I wasn't trying!" Tyler shot back. They remind me of Meaghan and Erica, playfully competitive and basically just giant children. I couldn't help but smile at that thought.

The rest of the night was uneventful, we made pizza and played a board game, then I left at 11 so I could pack for tomorrow. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Meg. How excited I am to see her, how she seemed upset, how adorable and attractive she is. It just doesn't feel right talking to Jayden when I know I still have feelings for Meg, but maybe dating Jayden will help me move on. I need to stop liking Meaghan, it's gonna end up ruining our friendship and that's the last thing I want. I love her, as a friend, and I don't think I could handle losing her.

I turned off my lamp, plugged my phone in, and rolled over to try to fall asleep.

*time jump to when Kate and Kylie are at the airport*

"Do you have your ticket?"


"Do you have your license?"


"Do you have your toothbrush?"

"Kate, quit stressing, we're just going to see Meg and Kasper, it'll be fine. Besides, even if I forgot my toothbrush, it'd be too late, we're literally in line at the airport!" I laughed at Kylie and realized she's right and I needed to calm down. We boarded the plane and, to no surprise, Kylie called dibs on the window seat.

"So what's the plan when we get to Illinois?"

"Kasper's picking us up from the airport and then she's gonna call Meg and ask if she wants to go on a drive to McDonald's and then their spot where they watch the sunset. Then, when Kasper gets to Meg's house to pick her up, I'm gonna go to her front porch and FaceTime her in front of her house until she comes outside." Kylie looked at me and smiled.

"That's the cutest thing ever! But I call dibs on riding up front on the way to Meaghan's house."

"Absolutely not, I'm older! And I miss Kasper! You guys are always on FaceTime!"

"So are you and Meg! Plus Kasper's my girlfriend!"

"Fair point." We laughed and then felt the plane come to a stop. A few minutes later, we landed and got off the plane, meeting Kasper in the airport parking lot. Kylie dropped her luggage and sprinted towards Kasper, leaving me with all her shit. I gathered her baggage and made my way towards them. I hugged Kasper and handed Kylie her suit case. Kasper got in the car and face timed Meg while Kylie and I sat outside so she couldn't see or hear us. Kasper gave us a thumbs up and we got in, Kylie sitting in the front.

"So is everything good? Are we picking her up?" I asked Kasper, as she put the car in drive.

"Yup, next destination, Meaghan's house!" I finally checked my phone and saw 3 missed calls from Jayden and 14 texts from Meaghan, plus a bunch of notifications from my socials. I opened the messages from Meaghan and responded with 'sorry, my phone died at work and I forgot my charger'.

We finally got to Meg's and I got out, walked to the door, and FaceTimed her. We greeted each other before she noticed my surroundings.

"Wait where are you? That's a really cool cloud! Let me see it!" Of course the first thing she notices is the cloud. I chuckled a little and then moved the phone to show her the sky, making sure to flash her address in the process. "Yo who's house is that? That looks super familiar!"

Meg's mom realized how clueless Meaghan is, so she came outside to help me. She walked behind me as the first hint, then gave me their dog.

"Hey Meg, wanna see this really cute dog I found?"

"Duh! I love dogs!" I showed her the dog and her face went blank. She hung up the FaceTime and ran down the stairs. I moved off the porch so I didn't get hit by the door when it flew open. Meg launched herself out of the house and into my arms. I dropped my phone and wrapped her in my embrace. We stood there rocking back and forth for two minutes before she pulled away and looked at my face. I could see a tear rolling down her cheek so I wiped it and said "did you miss me?"

She laughed and pulled me close again, resting her head on my shoulder. "More than you know." She replied. We walked to the car and she hugged Kasper and Kylie, then sat in the back with me. We held hands the whole way to McDonald's. When we got there, Meg and Kasper ordered French fries and ranch.

She put her hand on my face, smiled at me, and said "I'm so glad you're here."

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