I'm Gonna Miss You

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***Trigger warning: surgery, hospitals, and graphic descriptions***


"Check her vitals!"

"She's gonna flat line! Doctor, we need a defibrillator!"

"No, that's the last resort. Give me an oxygen pump, we're gonna have to do this by hand!"

"By hand? That's crazy, she's not gonna make it!"

"She's more likely to survive if we do this. I need a scalpel, make sure her organs don't fail, the glass is resting in between her ribs. One false move and she dies."

I heard voices, but I didn't feel awake. Am I in a coma? I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't.

"Stay with me Meaghan, just a little bit longer."

I could feel a bright light shining down on my face. I couldn't move my hand. I was terrified. I don't care if I die, but I need Kate to see the letter before I do. I need her to know how I feel before it's too late. It's crazy, ya know? I'm on the verge of death, and all I care about, all I can think about, is Kaitlyn. If one of us dies, it needs to be me. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to the road and now we're in this mess. The second I get out of whatever this is, probably surgery, I need to see Kate. I need to hug her one last time. I miss her touch. I miss her voice. I miss the way she could always make me feel better, no matter how upset I was. They kept saying the TBI would change me and make me a different person. I don't care how much this stupid injury is gonna change me, nothing could ever change the way I feel about Kate. I'm still me and I need people to understand that.

"We're all done, let's take her to the ICU. We can start allowing visits in 2 hours, but she might not be conscious when her family comes to see her. I have no idea how long this coma is gonna last."

I felt everything and nothing all at once. I was empty and full of anger at the same time. I need to wake up from this stupid coma so I can see Kate, even if I have to break out and see her myself. Although it'd be great if she could come to me this time, but I don't know if she can walk yet. I think her only casualty is the collapsed lung, but they won't even tell me my own injuries, so who knows. I'm so over being treated like a child. I can handle big news.

"Patient Walter, Meaghan. 19 year old female, just got out of surgery to remove glass fragments from her ribs. The surgery was non emergency going into it, but she almost flat lined. Known to go into manic episodes. Keep a close eye on her and make sure there's always a nurse near by. No visitors for 2 hours. She's currently in a coma, so if she wakes up follow protocol."

2 hours. 2 hours. 2 hours. I need to wake up before then. I don't want my mom or my best friend to see me in a coma. I also need to be awake so I can ask to see Kate. I don't know if they'll let me, but if they don't I'll just guilt trip Kasper.

Suddenly, my finger moved. I wiggled it some more until my other fingers began to move. I balled my hand into a fist, then unballed it repeatedly. I started trying to move my toes, but I couldn't. I kept trying until my big toe flinched. I opened my eyes and looked around, not being able to move my neck. Not because of the coma, but because of a neck brace. I didn't have this thing on before, why do I have it on now? I was bored, so I tried to turn the tv on, but I accidentally used the wrong remote and pressed the button to call the nurses.

They rushed in. "Crazy seeing...you here..." I mumbled.

"Patient Meaghan Walter is awake from her coma."

"Damn right... I am... that thing was... lame as hell.."

One of the nurses laughed but the others glared at me.

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