You Were Always There For Me

336 9 17

Trigger warning: hospital

POV Kate

Today's the day. I'm finally getting discharged from the hospital. It feels wrong to leave without Meg, but she's not ready to get discharged yet.

She passed out three days ago, just hours after waking up from a coma. Her vitals began to go down, but they were able to save her.

"Kate, I just talked to your doctor. You're clear for flying, we're going back home to Georgia. Our flight leaves tonight." She's insane if she thinks I'm leaving Meaghan. She risked her life for me, and I promised her I wouldn't leave her.

"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving Meaghan. Do you really think she'd leave if the the roles were reversed? I'm staying in Illinois, at least until she gets discharged. I'll stay with Kasper."

"Kaitlyn, you need to come home. I'm not leaving you in another state after you almost died. You're my daughter, and I swore to always protect you. Believe it or not, this is for your own good." My own good my ass.

"Almost died? You wanna talk about almost dying, go look at Meaghan. She was in a coma for God's sake! She was at way higher risk than I was, she almost fucking flat lined multiple times! Don't lecture me about almost dying when my best friend is in this hospital fighting for her life. Disown me if you want, I don't care what you say or do, I'm staying." Kylie walked in on our argument.

"Mom, just let her stay. I'll stay with her and make sure nothing happens. We'll stay at Kasper's house, plus Meg's mom had basically adopted Kate at this point so if we need anything I'm sure she's more than willing to help. We need to be here for Meaghan, she'd do the same for any of her friends, especially Kate." Mom sighed and began to cry. I pulled her into a hug.

"What's going on out here?" I turned and saw Meg sitting in a wheelchair, being pushed by Kasper. She smiled at me and the sun sit her face just right. Even in times like these she still manages to smile.

"Are you allowed to be out here or did you break out again?" I laughed and walked towards her.

"Shhh we don't talk about that." She winked, but her other eye was still swollen so it looked like she was just blinking. Her talking has been getting more consistent. She's still in pretty bad shape but she's gotten a lot better. "The doctor said I can go on a 'walk' but I have to stay in my wheelchair. Kasper has to take me because they think I'll try to run again." I laughed and ruffled her hair. I looked at Kasper. She looked exhausted.

"Why don't you get some rest Kasper, you haven't left the hospital since the day before Meaghan's big surgery. Go home, shower, and get something to eat. You need to take care of yourself. Kylie, go with her. I'll stay with Meg and take her on a walk." Kasper gave me a hug and thanked me as her and Kylie left.

I turned to Meg and began to push her. "Nope, absolutely not." She swatted my hands away and pushed herself using the wheels.

"Okay Ms. Independent." We both laughed, and this time she had a genuine, happy laugh.

"Can we go outside?"

"Are you allowed to go outside?"

"I don't know but Kasper and I do it anyways."

"Yeah, well Kasper also helped you break out of your room to come see me, so I don't really trust her judgement." I teased.

"In her defense, I'm very convincing." She smiled and looked at me with big glowing eyes. How could I resist?


"Yes!" She raced to the elevator and I jogged after her to keep up. We got outside and went to the fountain. Meg grabbed her phone, opened Spotify, and started playing music. She put her phone on the edge of the fountain and stood up.

"Hey, sit back down, you're not supposed to walk yet."

"I have to stand up to take a shit, how is this any different?" Did she just compare me to taking a shit..?

"You shit standing up?"

"No dummy, I have to stand up to get on the toilet!"

I laughed at her as she put her hands on my waist and pulled me close. She grabbed my face and whispered "thank you for staying." I smiled and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She rested her forehead on mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she moved her head to my shoulder as we swayed back and forth. I felt her putting more pressure on me, as if she was struggling to stand. I moved her and had her stand up straight before helping her back into wheelchair. She put her hand on my cheek and kissed me. When she pulled away, she moved my hair behind my ear and said "God, you're so fucking beautiful." I smiled and stood up. She began to cough. "It's really cold out here."

I took my sweatshirt off and helped her put it on. "Only you could make a hoodie and a hospital gown look good." 

"I know right" She smirked. "Look at my socks! They have lions on them!" Of course she'd get excited about lion socks. I giggled at her childishness.

"Those are adorable." I smiled at her as I pushed her back inside. I'm surprised she let me push her, but maybe she was too tired to do it herself. We got back to her room and she laid down right away, ready to fall asleep.

"Go to Kasper's, my mom will take care of me. You just got discharged today, why would you still wanna be in this hell hole?"

"One more night in the hospital isn't that bad. At least I'm not the patient this time. I'll stay with you tonight so you're not alone. I'm sure Kasper has missed sleeping in her own bed. She needs a break."

"Are you sure?" I was getting ready to respond, but Meg's mom walked in.

"I got that letter from your room that you asked me to get. I didn't read it but I sure was tempted to!" Letter? What letter?

Meg's eyes got big. "I don't need it anymore, you can just throw it away."

"Didn't you want to give it to Kate?"

"No, it's fine, just get rid of it." I stood up and walked over to her mom.

"Let me see." I grabbed the letter.

"Dude! No!" I went back to Meg and sat on the edge of her bed.

"Please?" I looked her in the eyes and pouted until she smiled and gave in.

"Fine, just don't read it while I'm around, it's embarrassing."

I went out in the hallway and read the letter. She has feelings for me..? I thought she didn't like me like that... I guess that explains all the kissing and intense moments. I went back in the room.

"How long have you felt like this?" I asked.

"I dunno, a couple months."

"Is that why you were acting weird when I told you about Jayden?"


I put my hand on her neck and looked her in the eyes. "I never stopped having feelings for you, even when you sister zoned me." She sat up and hugged me, resting her head on my chest. We sat like that for 5 or 6 minutes, but I felt Meaghan starting to fall asleep. I moved her back and laid her on her pillow. I stood up and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight bean."


Hopefully this chapter didn't make you guys cry as much lmao

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