I Kissed A Girl...

377 11 3

POV Kate

It's the next day and the four of us are still at the air bnb. It 11:30 and Kasper and Meg went to go get some groceries. Kylie was still sleeping so I stayed here with her. They've been gone for 20 minutes or so and Kylie just started waking up. I sent Kasper a Snapchat of Kylie sleeping. Kasper was driving so Meg responded with a silly face. We snapped back and forth for a bit until Meg told me that they were at the Store. They were getting alcohol, toilet paper, and stuff to cook dinner.

*45 minutes later*

"Honeys, we're hoooome!" Meg and Kasper yelled in sync. I got up to help put stuff away and Kasper went to go finish waking Kylie up. She went to the couch wear Ky was wrapped up like a burrito and gave her light kisses. I know I said I wouldn't the rejection get to me, but sometimes I wish Meg and I could do stuff like that. I wonder if her lips are as soft as they look. I know that's a weird thing to think about my best friend, but there's just something about her that I can't let go of.

"Water looking at Kate?" Meg perked her head like a cute little puppy. I didn't even realize I was staring. She put the bags on the counter and walked towards me, putting her hands on my waist and pulling me in for a hug. She put her forehead on mine and said "I'm so glad you're finally here in person." She pulled away and smiled at me. I know best friends can be affectionate, but that hit different, and it sucks not knowing if she did it on purpose or not. It's so hard not to fall for her. Her soft, gentle touch. Her adorable cluelessness. Her powerful stare. Her bright smile. I need to stop thinking about her like this. At least right now I still have her as a best friend, I really don't want to mess that up.

I forced myself to snap out of it. "Me too, you're an amazing friend." I plastered a smile on my face and pretended that I wasn't holding back tears.

*30 minutes later*

"Anyone up for some shots?"

"Meg, it's 1 in the afternoon." Kasper's always been the most responsible one in the group. I'm surprised she even let Meg get the alcohol, considering everyone here, except Kasper, is under 21.

"Sooo? We're vibing, let's get this party started!" She pulled out a bottle of fireball and some shot glasses. "I bet I can take more shots than you, Kate." She grinned at me in a teasing way.

"Bring it on light weight!" We both started laughing but Kasper still looked skeptical.

"Fine, but don't get wasted, I'm not cleaning up your guy's vomit."

"Don't be such a buzz kill Kasper." Meg is definitely the party animal. I took the shot glass from her hand and plugged my nose.

"1! 2! 3!"

We both took the shots and looked at each other laughing. We took some more until I finally tapped out at 3."How are you still going Meg?!"

"You're such a wimp! 3 is nothing, even Kasper would agree!" Kasper nodded sheepishly. I watched as Meg took 3 more shots and chug a white claw.

"Is there something you're trying to get off your mind? Why are you drinking so much?" I asked Meg.

"I like the taste." I knew that was a lie. Nobody drinks alcohol for the taste. I went over and put the drinks away.

"No more, you're cut off." She looked at me and pouted. I playfully pushed her shoulder and gave her the mom look.

"Whyyy??" She whined. I grabbed her hand.

"Meg, you're gonna get sick. You don't need anymore alcohol." I tried to explain.

"YoUrE gOnNa GeT sIcK!" She's mocking me? She's such a child. I laughed and led her to the living room, making her sit on the couch. She immediately stood up and started yelling.

"Woooh party!"

She did this for another 20 minutes until Kasper announced that she's tired. Her and Kylie agree that a nap sounds like a good idea. I knew Meg wouldn't want to nap, but maybe I could get her to at least lay down and rest before she causes herself to puke. We made a giant bed out of couch cushions and blankets. Me and Meg on one side, Kasper and Kylie on the other.

"Just come lay down with me. You need to be quiet for a little bit bub. It's time to calm down. Kasper and Kylie are trying to sleep." After 10 minutes of her arguing with me like a child, she finally came and laid next to me.

"You're soo pwettyyy" She smiled her goofy smile, the cheesy one with the big doe eyes. I don't know why that made me blush so much, we're just friends. I pinned her down with a blanket like a mother would do to a toddler who won't stay in bed. We were close enough to talk without waking the others up, but it's not like we were cuddling. She kept telling me to get closer. I caught a weird vibe, like she was gonna make a move, but I ignored it thinking it was nothing.

I got close like she wanted and she put her arm under my head like a pillow. I laid my head on her chest and felt her heart beat. She grabbed my hand and started a thumb wrestle. I laughed at her as she fidgeted with my hand. She started giggling and I looked up at her. She stopped moving out hands and slowly held them against her chest, my hand touching her shirt with her hand on top. She shifted slightly so we could sit more upright. I wanted to ask what she was doing, but talking would just ruin the moment. She took her other hand and grabbed my face, leaning in for a kiss. My heart was pounding and my mind was racing. The eye contact gave me butterflies. She touched our foreheads together and I leaned towards her until our lips touched. We both closed our eyes and I allowed her breath to embrace me. I felt oddly comfortable with her, like there was an instant connection that this kiss is somehow strengthening. She let go of my hand and moved hers to my waist. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she moved so she was almost on top of me, but not quite. I felt her smile on my lips and it made me melt even more. She started moving down my face, almost reaching my neck.

We were so into it that we completely forgot that Kasper and Kylie were there, until we heard Kylie yell "I been waiting for this one, turn it up!" We both quickly turned away and I looked at Kylie, embarrassed. Meg blushed and stood up quickly, running towards the bathroom.

Sorry this chapter is so long, I couldn't find a good place to stop at, and I also don't know when the next update will be.

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