A Little Too Hot

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It was 2:00 am. You couldn't sleep. You had this gut feeling that something was wrong. You tried to tell your parents, but they didn't want to hear it.
Of course they won't listen to me, I'm a 5 year old, you thought.

They should have listened.

You heard the sound of breaking glass. An explosion rang out, making all four of your ears ring. You coughed as you got to your feet and ran down the hall, into the living room. Your mother was on the ground with a piece of shrapnel sticking out of her head. You could hear the taunts of people outside.
"How does that taste you filthy animals?"
"That'll teach you to stay out of our town!"
Your father ran up to you.
"Come on, we need to leave!"
"But what about Mom?"
"Unless you wanna get blown to bits by a grenade, we need to leave!"

The two of you ran out the door and your father was tackled to the ground. The guy on top of him pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the throat. He then stood up and walked over to you.
"Let this be a lesson to you kid. If you walk into the wrong town, you'll become a cooked steak. Just like all the cows you fucks are probably related to."

He picked up your father's body and threw it in the fire.

"Run off and tell your faunus friends!" The guy yelled as he walked off.

You turned around and ran into the woods.

Cats And Dogs (Blake X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now