A Day With Blake

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You knock on the door of team RWBY's dorm and Ruby answers it. "Oh, hey (Y/N)!"

"Hey Rose Bush. Have you seen Blake?"

"Yeah, she's out with the Ice Queen."

"Doing what?"

"I dunno. You wanna come in and wait for her?"

"Yeah sure." You say as you walk past Ruby.

You sit down in a chair and pull out your scroll. 'Do you need me to look for targets?' The text said. You reply with, 'Yeah sure.' Alex replies that he'll get to work and you put your scroll away. You look over at Ruby. "Where's your sister?"

"Outside looking at boys."

You sigh.

"Is it really that bad being left alone with me?"

"No, I just don't know what I wanna do today."

Your mind drifted off to: what if I was alone in here with Blake instead of Ruby?

She seemed to realize something was up. "Wait, are you going out on a date with Blake?!"

"Yes-- no-- I mean, kind of?"

That was a mistake.


"Oh shit."

Ruby hugged you and started jumping up and down. "Calm down you living energy drink!" You say.

She laughs. "Sorry."

Blake walks in. "I had to leave Weiss behind because I didn't want to stand there talking to Neptu-- (Y/N)!"

She hugs you so hard, you feel like your spine is about to snap.

"Good to see you too." You wheeze.

"Sorry." She giggles.

"What are you doing here?" She asks.

"If you're available, I wanted to hang out with you."

She smiles. "Of course I'll hang out with you!"

"You're adorable."

Yang walks in the room and looks at you. "Sup Wolfie."

"Hey Firecracker." You give her a fistbump.

"Did I interrupt a make out sesh?" Yang asks with a sly smile.

"NO!" You and Blake both yell.

Yang laughs. "I love doing that."

"So Blake, I was wondering, do you wanna go eat somewhere?"


A few hours later

You and Blake were walking back when you heard quiet voices coming from deep in the woods. "C'mon Blake." You pulled her up into a tree and hid there.

Blake looked over at you. "Those voices sound familiar."

After a few seconds, her expression darkened.


"It's Adam and Ilia."

You pull your ears back and let out a low growl. "We should kill them."

"No, they might be useful."


"We could get at least Ilia on our side. I doubt we could get Adam though."

"Wait, shhh."

With all your bickering, you didn't realize the voices went away.


Blake puts her hand on your shoulder. "It's alright. We'll deal with them at some point."

You made it back to Beacon just as the sun started setting. You and Blake sat by the fountain in the courtyard. You watched the sunset as you were reminded of when you first met Blake so long ago. It made you sad to think of when you, Blake, and Adam were all friends. 7 years ago. Damn, time flies.

You look at Blake.

You know, we should cherish every moment of this. You don't know when things could change, and this might be a great memory that you want to remember. You think of Alex and the poison. Why do good things have to end?

Blake puts her head on your shoulder. Yep. A great memory. Hopefully this doesn't end soon.

You move her head so she's looking at you. You put one hand on the back of her neck and the other one on the side of her face. "I love you Blake."

"I love you too (Y/N)."

You pulled her into a kiss that lasted for about ten seconds. She pulled away and smiled. The setting sun sparkled in her amber eyes like diamonds in a sepia colored glass.

"Your eyes are so pretty Blake."

She ran her hand through your hair and smiled. A really great memory.

You sit there for a while with her head on your shoulder and you watching the sun set. You look over at Blake and realize she fell asleep. You are about to wake her up when you think better of it. If she's sleeping, she's probably tired. You gently pick her up without waking her and carry her to her dorm.

You lay her down in her bed while the rest of her team watches in amusement.

You turn around and go to leave but you feel something grab your wrist. You turn around and see Blake holding your wrist while on the verge of consciousness. "No don't leave." She mumbles.

You laugh. "Blake, I'm putting you to bed."

"And I want you to stay with me."



You thought about it. Am I really trying to pass up a chance to sleep with a girl? You pull out your scroll and text Alex so he knows.

"Alright Blake, I'll stay."

"Thank you."

She scoots back so you can get in.

You lift the blankets and lay down.

She snuggles up to you and you put your arm around her. You hug her to your chest and you both fall asleep.

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