Ride To Menagerie

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Author's note: warning: filler chapter! It is an important one though <3

The ship was bigger than you expected. "Woah that is cool." You said.

Blake wasn't phased by it because she's used ships like this so much. Everyone besides her, Qrow, Jake, and Winter seemed impressed. You climb the ramp to get on board and you give the worker the tickets Ironwood gave you and in return, he gives everyone room keys. The rooms had two beds each so everyone split into pairs. There was one person who didn't have a partner though. Weiss. You walk over to her. "Hey Weiss, Blake and I are probably going to share a bed so do you want to stay in our room?"

"Yeah as long as you guys don't have sex while I'm trying to sleep."

You and Blake turn so red you could probably be mistaken for tomatoes with a body. Weiss notices and and bursts out laughing. "It was a joke I swear!" Yang walks over.

"Wow, I never thought I'd live to see the day where the Ice Queen laughs!"

"Shut up!"

Yang chuckles as she walks away.

Weiss turns to you. "Seriously though, if you wake me up by having sex, I will cut your dick off with a butter knife."

You smile evilly. "Wow Weiss, I didn't know you were into that!"

She groans and walks away.

Blake wraps her arms around your arm and leans in to your shoulder.

"We could try and wake her up like that," She says quietly so no one overhears. "It'd be funny. And it would feel good."

"We're seventeen Blake."

"So? The legal age is sixteen if a guardian consents."

"I don't have guardians."

"Exactly! My parents aren't the ones taking care of me at the moment sooo."

"Blake Ghira would kill me if he found out I did it with you!"

"He doesn't have to know."

"I'm pretty sure he'd notice if his daughter had a kid."

"Pleeeease? Just this once? We could do it right now and get it over with!"

"Blake, save it for when the White Fang is taken down."

"Why must you tease me so bad?!"

You smile. "I'm sorry Blake. It has to be this way."

You kiss her. "I promise you are way higher than the White Fang in my list of priorities, but we have to take them down first."

"Why though?"

Why is she so damn cute?!

"I don't want to lose you in the battle. Especially if you're pregnant."

She kisses you this time. "Fine. I suppose I understand." She smiles and drags you to the room.

Blake finishes dinner before you and goes back to the room. After you finish, you go to hang out with her. You walk in the room to find her pacing and muttering to herself. "What's wrong Blake?"


"So everytime you eat dinner, you go to your room and walk it off while talking to yourself?"


You sigh. "Blake, what's wrong?"

"I don't know how pissed my parents are gonna be that I stayed with the Fang after they left."

You make her sit down on the bed. You sit next to her and put your arm around her. "Blake, I'm sure they won't be mad."

"What makes you say that?"

"No one really knew the White Fang would turn into what they are now. They're your parents Blake, and they love you. Not more than me though. No one loves you more than me." You hug her tightly. "It'll be alright Blake. I promise."

She starts tearing up. You hold her tightly and whisper in her ear. "It's okay. Let it out."

She starts crying and you just hug her until she stops.

"I-I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too."

She does the cute smile that you love.

"We should get some sleep."


You both instantly fall asleep. You just hope you'll both make it off the island alive.

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