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The boat stops at the docks and everyone climbs down the ramps onto the island. You look around in awe. "Wow."

Blake smirks. "You're the first faunus I've met that's never been here."

"It's impressive isn't it?" Jake says. "These people were given so little, yet they've made so much."

"It's... Cool I guess." Winter says.

She clearly doesn't want to be stuck with us.

"Let's see your parents!" You say to Blake.

She pulls her ears back. "Already?!"

"C'mon, you'll have to talk to them eventually. Plus, they might know what's going on with the White Fang."

Blake sighs. "Fine, but only if you come with me."

"Of course I'll come with you! I want to see your dad again. And I've never met your mom either!"

"Is that all you're focused on?"


Blake sighs.

"Will your uncle come with?" You ask.

Blake turns around. "Uncle Jake!" She yells.


She smiles and starts walking off.

Blake uses the massive knocker on the door. "Your animal ears work like mine right? How do you guys stand everyone knocking on your door all the time?! Doesn't it hurt? Cats have better hearing than dogs so what the fuck?!"

Blake and Jake laugh. The door opens to reveal a woman about the height of Blake.

"Blake? Jake?"

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Kali."

She looks at you. "Are you the (Y/N) I've heard about so much?"

Blake blushes. "Yes I am Mrs. B"

She smiles. "Please, just call me Kali."

She looks down the hallway. "Ghira come look!"

"Tell them to come back tomorrow!"

"I think you'd wanna see today!"

He comes around the corner. "Blake!"

He hugs her. "How have you been?"

"Good. I-I got a boyfriend."

"You what?!" He said surprised.

He looked up and saw you. "Holy shit. (Y/N) (L/N)! I haven't seen you in eight years!"

He reached out and shook your hand. "Oh, hey Jake. Anyway, (Y/N), do you know this boyfriend Blake speaks of?"


Was he always this dense?

"I am the boyfriend Blake speaks of."

He looks back and forth between you and Blake for almost 10 seconds. "Damn, you found a good one Blake!"


Ghira laughs. "What it's true!"

He turns to you. "So, have you both left the White Fang?"

"We left years ago."


"We convinced Ilia to leave too."

"Well ever since Adam got back--"

"Adam's here?!" You and Blake yell in unison.

"Yeah, a few weeks ago, Sienna was murdered by humans. No one was there except Adam. He became the high leader."

"How do you know this?"

"I'm the chieftain of Menagerie. The White Fang report news to me."

"You're the chieftain and you haven't tried to get rid of them?" You say in disbelief.

"I asked them who was in the White Fang. They were stupid enough to tell me because they think I'm on their side. At some point, I was going to get everyone on this island to fight the White Fang."

You smile. "Well Ghira, you're in luck!" You call Ironwood and fill him in on everything he needs to know.

"Ironwood and his army will be here by tomorrow night. Tomorrow, the White Fang will be no more."

Cats And Dogs (Blake X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now