Bella Muerte

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You wake up next to Blake, who is still asleep. You put your arm around her and she wakes up from the sudden touch. "Sorry." You whisper.

"It's alright." She smiles as she cuddles up to you. You stay in bed with her for about an hour.

After a while, you tell her you need to get dressed back at your dorm. After you get out of bed, you pick up your scroll. You had a missed call from Alex from right before you woke up.

"Oh shit."

You sprint through the halls at full speed towards your dorm. You fling open the door and see Alex curled up into a ball on the floor, clutching his stomach and crying. "Alex!" You yell.

He looks up at you. "Get me into the forest." He groans.

You pick him up and run back through the halls. Blake opens the door as you run by. She follows behind you. "What's wrong with him?" She asks.

As you run, you explain to her how the White Fang poisoned him to cause a panic and attract Grimm.

You bring Alex deep into the forest. As you prop him up against a tree, there is a loud thunder clap and it starts raining. "Now, what do you want us to do?" You ask while trying to hold back tears.

This guy has been your friend almost as long as Blake and you think of him as a brother. He looks up at you and Blake. His face is drained of color and his eyes are a light shade of red. His eyes were slowly turning darker. All the blood vessels in his eyes are slowly bursting, filling his eyes with blood.

"Give me... your butterfly knife."

You pull it out of your pocket and hand it to him. The thunder booms overhead making you pull your ears back.

"I'm........ Sorry....."

"Don't apologize Alex."

"If I wasn't so stupid, we wouldn't be here right now."

"This isn't your fault. It's the White Fang's." Blake says.

Alex's eyes go completely black and he starts whining. "I can't see! Please don't let me die!" He sounded so desperate.

You can't hold back the tears any longer. Blake puts her hand comfortingly on your shoulder.

Alex looked in your general direction. "Please don't cry dude."

"Sorry, I can't help it."

"I need to tell you something. Alone."

You nod at Blake who runs off towards the school.

"We're alone Alex."

"They know we're here."


"The...... Fang. I found files that Ilia and Adam made on seeing you and Blake...... outside the school."

"Why did you need Blake to leave for this?"

"She can't know."


"They want to try and take her back."

"She should know."

"If she knows, she'll......"

"She'll what?"

"I don't remember."

"Is it because she'll freak out and freak everyone else out and attract Grimm?"


You sat there in silence for a second.

"What am I doing here?"


He looked panicked. "Who are you!?"

You started crying again.

"I-it's me. Alex, I'm your friend."

"Why can't I see?"

"You went blind."

"What did you do to me?"


"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

You gasp.

"Yes! Yes it's me!"

"I'll miss you (Y/N) (L/N)."

"I... I'll miss you too bro."

He smiled. "I changed my mind."


He held out his hand with the knife in it. "Take it."



You took it.

"Now, leave." He whispers.

"No! I'm not gonna leave you!"

"While I still remember things, just leave! I want you to go while I still remember you!"


"For some reason, I feel like it'll help me remember you."

"Alright." You turn around and start to walk away.

"Farewell, friend." He says.

"See you on the other side bro." You say as you walk off.

You don't know exactly when he died, but he died soon after you left. After you got back to your dorm, you took Alex's sword and laid it down on the book shelf. Once I find a permanent home, this is going on my wall. You think.

Blake walks into your room. "You doing okay?"

"No." She sits on the bed next to you and hugs you tightly.

"I can sleep in here if you want." She says.

You smile at her. "Yeah, I think that'll help."

It felt silent without Alex's breathing and snoring. The room felt... Empty. And so did you. The only thing keeping you together was Blake.

They won't take her from me. They'll have to kill me first.

You thought about it.

They might actually kill me first.

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