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You and Blake are sitting on a bench in the backyard of her parent's new house. It took 8 years to finish. Blake holds your new daughter in her arms, trying to rock her to sleep. "Casey is being stubborn." Blake says. "She won't go to sleep."

You laugh. "Kinda like us! It feels like we haven't slept in years!"

Casey twitches her cat ears. Already looks like her mother.

Your son runs over to you. "Hey Alex!" You say. Alex was a wolf faunus like his father. You don't know how, but he has the same color eyes as your old friend he was named after.

Before he could say anything, Ghira and Kali walk outside. "Grandpa!" Alex runs over to Ghira.

"I've been meaning to ask you, how did you meet Grandma?"

Ghira smirks. "It's a little tactic I like to call: grab the hot girl's ass and run."


Ghira and Kali both burst out laughing. "No, no. Continue." You say.

"(Y/N), he's only 8."

"He has to learn some tricks."

"What if he gets in trouble at school?"

"We'll blame it on your dad!" Blake groans as you laugh and high five Alex.

You sit back down next to Blake and kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Cats And Dogs (Blake X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now