Ozpin's Decision

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Everyone was in the elevator on the way to Ozpin's office. The door opened. "Sit down." Ozpin said.

He sounded a lot more threatening than the first time you spoke.

"Someone please explain to me why Qrow said you tried to kill someone without letting me know."

"I didn't think we had to tell you." You say.

"Of course you have to tell me, I'm the one letting you stay here!" He said angrily.

"If it wasn't for Qrow's semblance he wouldn't have gotten away." You tell him.

"If you had any common sense in you, none of you would've been there in the first place!" You flinch.

"Now you have a powerful White Fang member seeking revenge on you, the White Fang are gonna want to find you because you're dangerous, and they'll probably use their common sense and realize you're probably here!" He ran his hand through his hair.

"I'll have to think for a minute."

A minute later

"I thought for a minute and I have made a decision." He declared.

He pulled out his scroll and messaged Qrow.

"Mr. (L/N), I will ask you this once. Please leave the school grounds. Qrow will bring you someplace safe."

Jake stepped up. "Oz, you can't throw a kid on the street like that!"

"I'm not. Qrow is gonna bring him somewhere safe. Somewhere James won't find him."

"James?" Ruby asked.

"General Ironwood. There were witnesses to you running away (Y/N). Ironwood will be looking for you."

You thought about it. "Fine. I'll go."

You head towards the elevator when she grabs your arm. Blake tries to pull you away from the elevator but fails miserably. "You can't leave me!" She says on the verge of tears. "I won't let you!"

You sigh. "I don't want to Blake. I have to."

She got a determined look on her face. Oh no. "Then I have to go with you."

"No. Don't do this."

"I'm coming with you."

"And if she's coming, I'm coming." You look up and see Jake pointing at himself.

Weiss and Yang stand beside Jake. Ruby walks up to you. "Friends don't leave friends behind." She smiles and puts her hand on your shoulder.

You smile and put your arm around Blake. "Fine, I guess I can't stop you."

You look over at Ilia. "Ilia?" You say.

She grins. "You guys helped me see the truth. I guess I should repay you somehow."

You all get into the elevator. Ozpin smiles. "Good luck."

The doors close on him for the final time.

You walk out into the courtyard.

It's dark and cloudy and it looks like it's about to rain. Qrow is standing further down the walkway. Seeing him makes you angry. "We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for you Qrow!" You yell.

Everyone looks angry at him. Even Yang and Ruby.

"I had a talk with Ironwood. He wants me to bring you in so he can talk." Thunder claps in the distance.

"I'm done talking!" You pull out Sunset in scythe form.

Ruby pulls out Crescent Rose.

Everyone else pulled out their weapons. Jake loaded an arrow into Spider Lily and aimed it at Qrow.

Qrow pulled out Harbinger.

"You can't take all of us Qrow!" You yell.

"You might be surprised!"

He yells back.

"Don't do this Uncle Qrow!" Ruby yells.

"I'll do what I have to do!"

You shot at Qrow who deflected it.

Jake shot an arrow at him and he dodged. Everyone charged at once.

A couple of times, Ilia almost hit Jake with her weapon while you almost hit Weiss. It was very messy but it seemed to be working. Qrow hit everyone with the edge of his sword so everyone flew back. Ruby walked up to him. "Please don't do this Ruby." Qrow said. "What would Tai think of this?"

Ruby looked mega pissed.

"I don't care what he thinks. I would kill you if it meant protecting my friends."

"Jake! You're a sensible adult. Try to explain to them that Ironwood doesn't want to arrest them, he wants to work something out!" Ruby shoved him to the ground and stood over him.

"Sorry Uncle Qrow." She raised her scythe in the air.

Right as she was about to bring it down into his head, she was stopped by a sudden, "ENOUGH!"

She turned around and saw Jake aiming an arrow at your head.

"What the hell Jake?!" You yell.

"Your uncle is spitting facts." He says to Ruby.

"Unless you want your friend to lose her boyfriend, I suggest-- aaahhh!"

He was stopped by a bullet to the shoulder. You look around and see Blake pointing her gun at him.

"Ruby do it!" You yell.

Ruby raises her Scythe. Qrow closes his eyes.

"Ruby don't--" Yang is cut off when Weiss puts the tip of Myrtenaster to her throat.

Ruby turns around. "Weiss no!"

While she is distracted, Jake lunges towards her. You jump between them and kick him in the face. You turn Sunset into a pistol and aim it at his head. Ilia puts the tip of her sword right next to your eye and Blake puts her gun to her forehead.

"Ruby kill Qrow!" You yell.

"I don't want Weiss to kill my sister!" She yells back.

"DO IT!"


You point your gun at Qrow's head and shoot. He rolls out of the way and hits Weiss's sword with his. Yang tries to punch bullets at you but you dive out of the way. Blake kicks Jake onto the ground and starts attacking Ilia. Ruby swings her scythe at Weiss and right before it hits her, you tackle her to the ground. "I don't think so Ruby." You turn around and shoot Qrow in the hand. He drops his sword, and Blake shoves him onto the ground. Ilia comes up behind Blake and is about to stab her when you run up and punch her so hard, she does a half-flip and lands on her face.

You shoot a few bullets at Yang before running to Qrow. You pull your butterfly knife out of your pocket and flip it open. Right as you are about to stab him, handcuffs get put on your wrists. "What the fuck?"

Everyone else gets handcuffed and Ironwood walks up to all of you. "We thought this might happen. Like Qrow said, I don't want to arrest you. I just want to talk. Let's get on my ship and work out a deal."

"A deal?"

"More of a trade actually. You do something for me, I'll let you all go."

"What about the handcuffs and stuff?"

"If we can trust you, we'll take them off and give you your weapons back."

"I don't want to attack you." You say.

"Good. Let's get in the truck and get to my ship." He gestures to a truck you didn't hear pull up because of the fighting.

You hop in the back and it drives off.

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