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After a few years, Ghira stepped down as leader of the White Fang. Sienna Khan took his place. You were less than happy with the way she ran things. Adam had convinced Blake that her parents were cowards for leaving, and she was tired and depressed.

One day, everyone was loading dust into crates and Blake fell asleep on the job. Some guy walked up to her and shook her awake. "WAKE UP AND GET TO WORK!" He screamed.

Being tired and angry, she replied with, "Get off your ass and do it yourself."

She was met with a slap so hard, she fell off her stool and onto the floor where she burst into tears. "(Y/N)!" The man screamed.

You stood up. "Yes sir?"

"Take this bitch outside and calm her down."

You look at him. "She needs sleep."

"Then put her to sleep and bring her back soon."

As you walk out, you look over at Adam. He had a weird look in his eyes and you couldn't tell if it was anger or jealousy. Either way, Blake was still crying and you needed to do something.

You walked her outside and brought her to a soft patch of grass. You both stood there for a minute, and then she hugged you. "I hope you don't think I'm a crybaby." She sobbed.

You wrap your arms around her. "Of course I don't," You reply. "That looked like it hurt."

You lean back and look at her face. She has a dark red mark on her cheek. Once you see it, you instantly cringe.
"Is it bad?" She asks.

"Yeah but it'll probably be gone in a day or two."

She sighs. "Thank you for being there for me (Y/N)."

She smiles at you and you smile back. "I swear, I'll always try my best to protect you Blake." You say as you pull her into a tight hug.

Perhaps not everything here sucks. You think.

She lies down, using your lap as a pillow. "I hope you don't mind. I just wanna be close to you." She says.

You just smile and rest your arm on her. She smiles and closes her eyes. She drifts to sleep as you stare off at the horizon.

4 months later.

Adam stole Blake from you. He had the balls to ask her out in right front of you. You were filled with rage. You hated him. You hated her. I thought they were my friends. They were the only ones who made the place even remotely bearable. Your best friends have betrayed you.

You were packing up your stuff when she walked into your room. "What are you doing?" She asked.

You whipped around. "I'm leaving." You say.

"Why?" She asks sounding genuinely sad.

"I fucking hate this place." You respond angrily.

"I do too, but you don't see me leaving and abandoning my friends." She said, clearly getting mad.

"I don't have friends."

You pick up your bag and shove her out of the way.

She runs in front of you and stands in front of the door. "I don't want you to leave." She said. She was on the verge of crying but you didn't care.

"Too bad, move." You say.

"I want you to sta---"


She bursts into tears and you genuinely felt bad.

"Blake, I--"

"If you want to leave so bad, then go!" She yells through her tears.

Blake shoves you through the door.
"I thought we were friends (Y/N)!"

You look her in the eyes. "I thought so too Blake." You say quietly.

She looks shocked. It seems like she wants to say something but you don't let her. You turn around and walk out.

8 years later

In the eight years that went by, you never turned your mind from the thought of revenge. Revenge on the people that killed your family, revenge on the White Fang for almost corrupting you, revenge on Adam for stealing Blake from you, and revenge on Blake for breaking your heart.

You decided you would take your anger out by becoming an assassin. Your would end the White Fang's reign of terror once and for all and achieve peace between faunus and humans. When someone becomes important in the White Fang, you get your friend Alex (who goes undercover as a White Fang soldier for he is also a wolf) to spy on them and get as much info as possible so you could kill them.

One day, he approached you while you were sitting at a table twirling a butterfly knife. "(Y/N), I found the nearest target." He said.

"How close?" You ask.

"Across town."


"She's at Beacon Academy."

You grin. "A student huh?" You stab the knife into the table.

"This should be easy."

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