Telling Blake

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You wake up with Blake in your arms and you in hers. You sat there for a second, trying to remember what happened yesterday. You then realize Alex isn't there and you remember everything. You started crying and it woke up Blake. "You okay (Y/N)?"

You shook your head. She hugged you closer to her. You sat there for a few moments, just enjoying her presence. You moved your head toward hers and kissed her. "I love you too." She laughed.

"Blake, there's something I need to tell you."


Sorry Alex.

"The thing Alex didn't want you to hear was the fact that Ilia and Adam know where we are."

She gasped and started freaking out.

"Blake, calm down."

You hugged her as hard as possible. You felt her breath slow so you let go of her.

"We'll let Ozpin know, alright?"

She nods.

"Alright, let's go."

10 minutes later

The door to the elevator opened, revealing the familiar clockwork. You and Blake step into the room and sit down at Ozpin's desk.

"What is the problem?" He asked.

"The White Fang know where we are." Blake said.

"Mr. (L/N), I told you not to put the school in danger."

"I know. That's why we're gonna stop them."

"How do you plan to do that?"

You smirk. "We're going to take out Ilia and Adam."

"How will that stop an army?"

"It won't. It'll weaken them."

"What'll you do then?"

"Try and get you and the school out of it. Don't be surprised if you get wrapped up in it though. It's hard to avoid not taking part in a war that's right on your doorstep."

Ozpin smiled. "Well, it seems you're pretty smart."

"You'd be surprised."

Oz laughed. "You may go now."

As you were leaving, Blake turned around. "We'll stop them."

Oz nodded as the doors closed between you, sealing you and Blake in the elevator. After you started heading back toward the dorms, you looked at Blake. "You don't have to get wrapped up in this."

She smiled. "Yes I do. I'm as wrapped up as you are."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine."

Your face darkened. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

She smiled darkly. "I don't."

Author's note: sorry this chapter is extremely short, I just need to get up early tomorrow. Plus, this is just a transition chapter into the darker part of the story ; )

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