Celebration! (lemon tinted)

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For a celebration for defeating an evil organization, you found it pretty boring. Blake thought it was too. You both sat next to each other drinking punch and watching Neptune and Weiss make out in the corner. Weiss started sweating. "Oh shit, he's melting her."

You both started laughing. After you calmed down, you went back to sitting there watching them creepily.

You feel like you're being watched. You look over and see Blake staring at you. Let's just say she's not looking at your face. She looks you in the eye and smirks wickedly. "I know how to make this party fun."

"What do you have in mind?"

You and Blake burst through the door. You both flop onto your bed. You kiss her and she takes your shirt off. You remove her pants and kiss her again. She takes your pants off and you take off her shirt. You roll over and she sits on top of you. You take off her bra and she turns the color of Ruby's cape. You take off each other's underwear and you slide inside her. You roll over so you're on top of her. You kiss her deeply and the fun begins.

"Yes! Yes! YES!!!"

You both stop and catch your breath.

"That was loud Catnip."

"It feels amazing!"

You smile and you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

The pregnancy test was positive.

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