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You went into the woods outside of Vale, looking for a warehouse. "You sure he's here?" Blake asked.

"He was here yesterday."

You walk up to the entrance of the warehouse. "You go up to him and Blake and I will sneak in and flank him." You say to Ilia.

"Got it."

You looked at Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Jake. "You guys stay out here unless we need backup."

You nod to Ilia, who opens the door. At the sudden sound, a murder of crows flies overhead. I hope that's not a bad omen you think to yourself as you sneak in.

Adam sits on a throne in the back of the room. He sees Ilia enter and he gets up and walks over to her. "Hello my love, did you get the dust?"


"Great now we--"


He stops smiling. "What?"

He hears two thump noises behind him. He turns around and sees you and Blake standing there. "B-Blake? (Y/N)?"

Blake pulls out Gambol Shroud and smiles while you cross your arms and grin evilly. He looks uneasy. He whips around and looks at Ilia. "What is this?!"

She smiles.

"This is me breaking up with you."

You run up behind Adam and kick him into Ilia, who punches him. By the time he picks Wilt and Blush off the ground, you and Ilia already have your weapons out. Blake charges at him and slashes at his face. He dodges by less than an inch and flips backwards. He shoots a dust crate behind you and half the building explodes, sending Blake and Ilia flying. You fall on your face in the shadow of a pillar and Adam stands over you.

"You took Blake and Ilia from me. You tainted their minds and made them betray me. We used to be friends (Y/N)!"

You spit blood on the ground. "Yeah. Used to be."

You turn Sunset into a pistol and shoot fire dust at him. He dodges and kicks you.


"Blake never loved you."


"She wouldn't love a psychopath."


"Fuck you too."

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" He screamed.

Ilia gasped and Blake screamed as they saw you get stabbed through the chest. No blood came out, it was just a clean stab to the chest.

"Why aren't you bleeding?!"

You laugh. "You never saw my semblance Adam."

You fade into the shadow and disappear.

You reappear directly behind him.


You kick him face first into the pillar and beat the shit out of him. He knocks you down and knocks the wind out of you. He runs towards Ilia. He brought his blade up and was about to swing it into her head when he was distracted by the sound of breaking glass. A crow smashed through the window and flew through the flames to Adam. Right as Adam's sword was about to hit her, a sword appeared between him and Ilia. "What the fuck?!"

Qrow smiled. "You shouldn't hit girls you know." He kicked Adam onto the floor.

The front door flung open and everyone else ran in. Adam got up and started looking between all of his opponents. "You can't win this one Adam." You say.

"You don't know that."

He smiles. He pulls out his sword. His hair and his sword started glowing red. The red in the fire got brighter and the surroundings got way darker.


Everyone ran to the sides except for Jake, who was frozen in confusion. "Come on Cat Tail!" Qrow said as he yanked him to the side. The whole room went black and red as the whole front wall turned into rose pedals and blew away. Adam jumped out the window while all of you were distracted. When you looked, he was just gone. "That's the first target I've lost. You said dissapointedly."

All of a sudden you were tackled to the ground by Blake. Her eyes were full of tears as she yelled, "NEVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA DIE!" She broke down crying as you hugged her. She hugged you back so tight, you thought your spine would snap.

"Sorry, I never got around to telling you my semblance." You kissed her and helped her up.

"Speaking of which, that's a neat semblance. Never seen one like that before."

"If I'm in a shadow, I can't get hurt and I can fade into it and come out of any shadow nearby."

Qrow smiled.

"So, what is the Qrow Branwen doing here?"

"Ozpin wanted me to follow you and make sure you didn't kill any innocent people. I only care really about my nieces but it seems you're good friends."

"Hey Qrow, do you mind sticking with us? We might need your help."

Qrow cringed. "Not a good idea. Let's just say my semblance isn't as great as yours."


"Listen kid. You gotta believe me when I say that the only reason Bullshit escaped is most likely because of me."

He smiled.

"I'll see you around though. Might help out from time to time."

He fistbumped Yang and rustled Ruby's hair. "See ya girls." He turned into a bird and flew off.

You look around at all your friends. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Ilia, and Jake. These people would probably follow me to the ends of the earth. You laugh to yourself. Alex would be so proud. Ilia looks dissapointed. "Hey Ilia."

She looks up at you.

"Next time we see him, he's dead."

She smiles.


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