Hunting A Chameleon Part 2

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You walk into Dust 'Til Dawn and walk up to the old man at the counter. "Have you seen this girl?" You showed him a picture that Blake sent to all of you.

He shook his head.

"Do you know anyone who might've seen her?"

He nods and points to the back room.

"Cheers mate."

You walk through the door and into the back room.

There was a guy sitting at a table eating a sandwich.

You walked up to him. "Have you seen this girl?" You showed him the picture.

He took a bite of his sandwich.

"Yep. She was buying a metric fuck-ton of dust so I was like, 'hey what are you doing with so much dust?' She was all like 'oh, it's for my school,' So I was like, 'okay whatever.' Ya know?"

"Did you ask where she was going?"

"Oh yeah dude, I was all like--"

"Just tell me where she went."

"She said she was going to talk to Jake at his store."

"What store is it?"

"It's the shooting range down the street. 'One Shot' I think it's called."

"Thanks dude."


You walk down the street to the firing range. You run into Weiss on the way.

"What are you doing here?"

"The guy at the dust shop told me she went here."


"She was going to talk to Jake."
"She was going to talk to Jake."

You said simultaneously.

"Well then, let's go."

You go in and there's a guy at the counter with his feet up.

"Are you Jake?" You ask.

"Depends who's asking."


"Who are you?"

"Depends who's asking."


"Who are you?"

"Depends who's asking."


"Who are you?"

"Depends who's asking."


"Who are you?"

"Depends who's asking."

"Me--" Weiss finally steps in.

"Hi, I'm Weiss, this is (Y/N). Are you Jake?"


"Okay. Hi Jake, have you seen this girl?" Weiss shows him the picture.

"Yep came through here a little while ago."

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah I was having a conversation with her and I asked where she lived and she said Atlas. I asked her where she was staying and she said the hotel a few buildings down."

"Thanks Jake."

As you were walking out, Jake called to you.

"Hey wait!"


"(Y/N), right? I think I know you. Your name sounds familiar."

He might recognize me as an assassin. This might not end well. You thought as your hand hovered over Sunset.

"Do you know Blake Belladonna?" He asked.

"She's my girlfriend."

"She's my niece."

"How do you know me?"

"A long time ago, my brother Ghira told me that his daughter told him she had a thing for a kid named (Y/N) (L/N)." You smiled.

"So you're after this girl eh?"

"Well um... Yeah--"

"Can I help? I want to see my niece again."

You look at Weiss. She mouths all the help we can get and you nod yes.

He stands up, revealing his cat tail. "Let's go."

You walk into the hotel and go up to the counter. "Do you guys know what room Ilia Amitola is staying in?" You ask.

"Yeah she's staying in room 317."

The guy at the counter said.

"Do you want me to call her to tell her she has visitors?"

"No thanks, we want it to be a surprise."

"Alrighty then." The guy said cheerfully.

You go into a bathroom and lock yourself in a stall. You pull out your scroll and get a group call with Ruby, Blake, and Yang.

"Guys, we found the target."

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