Battle of Menagerie

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You play with your butterfly knife to pass the time. You're sitting at a table waiting for Ironwood to arrive. Blake looks hypnotized as she watches the sharp blade spin around your fingers. The guy behind the counter was nice enough to give Qrow more than six beers on the house.

Despite Winter, Jake, and you warning him not to, he got drunk and passed out at the bar.

"Why did you give him all that beer for free?" You ask.

"Oh you know, you guys are going to take out the White Fang and I wanted to show how greatful I am."

"How do you know about our mission."

"He let it slip once he was drunk enough. He did get here well before the rest of you did."

You sigh.

"I'm gonna go make sure my parents have their weapons ready." Blake says as she runs out of the tavern.

Jake follows her out the door before it even closes all the way.

"You know," the guy behind the counter says.

"The only reason I got this man drunk is so he couldn't fight."

You look up at him and see he has a knife pointed directly at the back of Qrow's neck. Right before the blade enters Qrow's neck, a gunshot goes off. The knife flies out of his hand and hits the floor loudly. You look over and see Ruby pointing Crescent Rose at where his knife was. You pull out Sunset and aim it at his head. Winter steps forward. "(Y/N), Ironwood isn't here yet," she warns.

You smile at her. "Well Winter, sometimes the show starts early. It's showtime."

You pull the trigger and the man's blood splatters all over the wall. You pour a bottle of whiskey over Qrow's head and walk out of the room. Winter looked extremely shocked.

"Why-- he-- I-- he can't just kill him!"

Ruby smirks. "He is an assassin."

"Ironwood, it's started." You say into your scroll.


"The battle. They already sent someone to kill Qrow."

"Shit. Listen, we won't be there for another couple of hours, so can you try to not blow something up or something?"

There was a ground shaking explosion. You look over towards Blake's house and see that half the building is covered in flames.

"(Y/N). What was that?" He sounded dissapointed.

"An explosion." You sigh.

"What did I just say?"

"Don't blow anything up."

"Good. Now fix it." He hangs up.

You get to the front door of Blake's house. You reach up and knock on the door. You wait for a few seconds. Wait, what was I doing again? A window on the second floor gets blown out and flames crawl out. Oh yeah. You kick open the front door and run through the smoky halls. You see Blake and Kali in a room full of flames. You run over to them. "What's going on?!" You ask.

"The White Fang started the fire."

"I'll get you out of here."

You grabbed them both by the wrists and dragged them outside. Ghira saw you in the hall and followed you out.

You stood outside and caught your breath. Blake walks up to you. You open your mouth to say something but she cuts you off by shoving you to the ground. "WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!" She yells.

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