A Fight

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Blake, Ruby, and Yang walk into the lobby. "Alright Blake, you know the plan." She nods.

"We'll wait outside the room in case you need backup." Jake says.

"Oh, one more thing..." You say.

You walk up to her and kiss her. "Good luck Catnip."

She smiles and runs off towards Ilia's room. You follow her to the room where you all gather outside. "It's locked." You hand her a paperclip.

"Thanks." She picks the lock and sneaks inside.

Blake's POV

She quietly closed the door behind her as she crept into the room. She snuck into the bedroom area where Ilia was sitting on her bed. Blake came up behind her and tackled her off the bed and onto the floor. "What the fuck!?"

Blake put her hand over Ilia's mouth. "Sshhhhh. I just wanna talk." Ilia kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying. She grabbed Lightning Lash and tried to hit Blake who dodged out of the way. (Y/N) and Jake burst through the door. Blake looked over at Ilia, who was about to stab her.

(Y/N)'s POV

You saw Blake get stabbed. Before you could panic though, she landed in your arms and kissed you on the cheek. "Semblance, remember?" She smirked.

"Never do that again."

You pulled out Sunset and rushed into battle.

Jake's POV

Jake was watching Blake and (Y/N) get pummeled by Ilia. They couldn't get close to her because she was using her whip and they couldn't shoot her because it would make too much noise and they didn't want to be arrested.

These kids aren't gonna succeed.

Jake pulled out Spider Lily, his red sword. He ran up behind Ilia and smacked her with it. She turned around long enough for (Y/N) and Blake to get a hit each on her.

"We're not trying to kill you Ilia!" (Y/N) said.

She knocked Blake over and shoved (Y/N). Jake held his sword straight out. The blade spun so it was horizontal and the top half split. He loaded an arrow full of lightning dust into it and shot it out of the crossbow. It hit Ilia in the leg and shocked her so she fell over.

(Y/N)'s POV

Ilia took out her scroll. "I'm calling Adam!"

You kick the scroll out of her hand and it shatters on the wall. "No you're not."

"We want to save you." Said Blake.

"From what?"

"The White Fang."

"We're fighting for good!"

You laugh. "Bitch, you're fighting for peace."


"Well if you're fighting, then you won't get it."

"I have a boyfriend that'll do anything for me!"

"You have a fake boyfriend that'll get you to do anything for him." You say.

"You're lying!" She's on the verge of tears.

"Adam is just gonna use you to get what he wants." Blake says softly.

"How do you know?!"

"It's what he did to me."

Ilia's expression instantly changed. It went from anger to pure surprise. "Is that why you left?" She asked.

"It's the main reason among other things."

You put your hand on her shoulder. "Do you see why we're trying to save you?" You say softly.

"I don't want you to go through what I did." Blake said.

"You guys really are telling the truth aren't you?"

"Of course."

Blake sits next to her. "Ilia, you're one of my best friends. I would hate to see you go through what I went through. Adam is the biggest asshole to ever exist. That douchebag doesn't deserve the love you give him Ilia."

"But what about the White Fang's goals?"

"Those where flushed down the toilet as soon as Ghira left." You answer.

She looks upset.

"We'll get peace eventually Ilia. Just not the way you guys are doing it. Sorry for breaking your scroll by the way."

She smiles. "It's okay. Now Adam can't contact me."

"So you're on our side?"

"Yep. So... What are we doing next?"

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