CRDL Strikes Again

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You awaken to the sound of Alex screaming. You sit up at full speed and look over at him. He is pointing at the darkest corner of the room and screaming. You run over to him and shake him. "Alex? Alex! What's wrong?!"

He just keeps staring over your shoulder and at the corner. "CAN'T YOU SEE IT!?" He screams.

"See what?"



You spin around but there's nothing there. You grab a glass of water and pour it over his head.

His expression clears and he looks at you. "Thanks man, I don't know what I was seeing."

"Me neither."

You put the glass back on the table.

"Why would you have been hallucinating?"

"Yesterday when I got the files on Blake, the White Fang pulled me aside and told me I missed my shot. I was all like 'what shot?' So they explained that I had to get a shot for lyme disease, so I agreed so I wouldn't look suspicous. When I came out, a chameleon girl came up to me and was like, 'what was that about?' So I told her I missed my shot and she was just like, 'what shot?' I didn't really think much of it but I'm starting to think they did something to me."

"Why wouldn't you tell me this?!" You yell.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N), I just didn't think it was important."

"You're supposed to tell me everything that happens! We are the difference between life and death for some people. Anyway, did you see what he put in the syringe?"

"Yeah, it was a yellowish green liquid."

You look up stuff on your scroll.

"Oh no."


"There is a slow acting poison called The Devil's Wine that perfectly matches your description. It causes the victim to hallucinate to the point of insanity before killing them. In the olden days, people would use it to cause panic and attract Grimm. Alex, the White Fang might be onto us."

"Why would they want Grimm to come?"

"They'd use the Grimm as a distraction while they raid us. They are going to wait for you to die and cause a panic, then, they would follow the Grimm to us, and finally, invade the school and kill everyone. Including me and Blake."

"What do we do?" Alex looked genuinely scared.

"We keep you away from people and when you start feeling ill, we take you to the forest and you either wait for the poison to finish its job, or you shoot yourself. Your choice. Hope you're still hungry after that because I'm going to get breakfast."

You turn and walk out of the room.

You walk into the cafeteria. You get your food and look for Blake. She's sitting between Ruby and Weiss with her nose buried in a book.

"Hey Weiss can you please move?"


"Just move Ice Queen."

Ruby and Yang burst out laughing as Weiss groans and moves out of your way. "Next time, you won't boss me around."

"Damn girl, don't be so cold."

Yang reaches behind Ruby and Blake and high fives you.

Blake gets up to go grab food. After a few seconds you hear laughing. You look up and see team CRDL standing around Blake, taunting her for not having her bow on. You clench your fists in anger.

Calm down (Y/N), calm down.

You can't calm down though. You seeing her get picked on like that really bothers you for some reason. Ruby can clearly see it.

"(Y/N), she can handle herself."

You could tell she was tired.

"Yang, how much did she sleep last night?" You ask.

"She didn't."


You heard a cry of pain. You look up to see Cardin pulling on her ears.


The whole room went silent.

You run over toward them at full speed. Cardin tries to punch you, but you grab his wrist and flip him over your shoulder. He hits the floor and gets winded. Dove Bronzewing swings at you and you duck under it and sweep his feet out from under him. He hits his head off a table and passes out cold. Russel and Sky rush towards you. Sky punches at you and you duck under it, making him punch Russel in the face, knocking him out. Sky rushes towards you and you roundhouse kick him in the face. He lands flat on his back. He smiles and looks over your shoulder. You duck and see a knife narrowly miss your head. You turn around and punch Cardin in the stomach. He bends over just enough that you can knee him in the face. You do. He falls on the floor. "Leave her alone." You growl.

"Bitch, I can take you anytime." Cardin laughs and spits blood onto the ground.

You smirk. "You realize I did all that without a weapon right? If I had my weapon with me, I could have easily killed you all. Now go to the infirmary before I decide that killing you is the best option."

Cardin shrieks, gets to his feet, picks up Dove and Russel and runs off.

You walk over to Sky. "Go." You say as you kick him hard in the arm.

He leaves and the whole room starts cheering.

Blake's POV

She watches as he bathes in his glory.

She grabs his arm. "Thank you for saving me."

He puts his arm around her. "No problem Catnip."

She smiles then inhales.

"One more thing."


"I love you (Y/N)."

"You wha--"

He didn't have time to finish the sentence before she pulled him into a kiss.

Oh my Oum, he's kissing back!!!

The room cheered louder.

He pulled away.

"I love you too Blake."

(Y/N)'s POV

You close the door to your room, sit down on your bed and toss an apple to Alex. "What did I miss?"

"I beat the shit out of CRDL, the whole school thinks I'm a hero, and Blake and I started dating."

"Oh coo-- wait you WHAT?!"

"Blake kissed me and admitted she loved me ever since we met."

"I'm glad I got to live long enough to see you genuinely happy." Alex said.

"Don't think like that bro. Think of it like this: 'hey I'll finally get to be with my parents again!' Or maybe: 'oh yay! I'm no longer tied down by my mortal limitations!' Not: 'I'm gonna die and everything is now sad. It's the end of the world.' No, it's the end of your world, but we all die eventually."

"You're not helping."

"To be honest, it sounded better in my head than out loud."

"I'm gonna rest for a while. Why don't you go spend the day with Blake?"

"Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine. If I start feeling weird, I'll call you. I promise."

"Okay. You sure you don't need anything before I go?"


"'Aight. See you in a while Alex."

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