Hunting A Chameleon

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Blake opened the door to her dorm to be greeted by Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. They bombarded her with questions like: where was she last night, why she sprinted out of the room after (Y/N), etc. She tried to explain the best she could.

"You guys are trying to take down the White Fang?!" Ruby asked excitedly.

Blake sighs. "Yes."

Yang stepped forward. "Then we're helping."

"No. You're not."


"You don't know what we're up against."

"It can't be worse than what we've dealt with already, right?"

"You'd be surprised."

"And if it is somehow worse," Yang continued, "then you need all the help you can get."

Blake looked exasperated. "There really is no stopping you is there?"

Ruby smiled. "Nope."

Weiss stepped forward and put a hand on Blake's shoulder. "We don't abandon our friends. Especially when they need our help."

Yang smiled. "Guys, we're melting the Ice Queen!"

"Shut up."

(Y/N)'s POV

You were sitting outside the RWBY dorm when all of a sudden, the door flung open and all of team RWBY came out. "Blake why are they here?"

"They wanna help."


"Look (Y/N), we need all the help we can get. Whether you like it or not, we can't defeat an army by ourselves."


"Shut the fuck up and lets hunt for Ilia." She turned around and walked off down the hall.

You grin widely. "I love her so much." You laugh.

You run after her and the other 3 girls follow you.

After you get outside, you stop running and stand next to Blake. "Where do we think she is?" You ask.

Blake thinks for a moment. "If she was in the forest with Adam, she must be staying somewhere close by."

"Most likely somewhere in Vale." You point out.

"There are over twelve hotels in all of Vale."

"We need to find out which ones let faunus in. We can narrow it down that way."

Blake thought for a few seconds. "She could easily pass for a human though. The White Fang has been so active in Vale for the past few weeks that she probably doesn't want people to realize she's a faunus."

"Good point."

Blake looks at you. "(Y/N), you're an assassin, how do we find her?"

You think about it. "We ask people if they've seen her. We ask them if they know where she was going. We get any intel we can and follow her trail until we catch up."

"Then what do we do?"

"We follow her to where she's staying and if it's a hotel that doesn't allow faunus, Blake puts on her bow and goes after her."

Weiss looked confused. "Why not send in an actual human?"

"Because Blake knows what Ilia's capable of."

"Why not send you in? You are the assassin after all."

"We're trying to interrogate her, not kill her. Telling an assassin to not kill someone is like telling the moon to become whole again. It's not gonna happen."

"Alright. We're all gonna split up and question people. Go into any store you think she'd go into. Like a dust shop or a restaurant. Everyone knows what they're doing?" Everyone nods.


Before she runs off, you kiss Blake.

"Be careful alright?"

She nods. "I'll be fine."

She runs off and you run towards Dust 'Til Dawn.

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