White Fang

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You awoke to the sound of footsteps. You went prone in the dewy grass and grabbed a stick. You knew a stick wouldn't help much, but at least you had something. A man walked up to you.
"Hey kid, tell me your name." The man said in a deep voice.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." You stutter.

"Did humans put you in the position you're in now?" He asked

You were suddenly filled with rage.
"They burned my house down and killed my parents." You reply through gritted teeth.

"How long ago?"

"Two years."

"How old are you?"


The man smiled.
"What if I told you my organization was making strides toward equality?"

"I'd tell you that you're crazy."

"Well, the White Fang is an organization working towards peace, and if you wanna join, we'd be happy to take you in."

"What do I get out of it?" You ask.

He looks up.
"A roof over your head, first of all."

"Sounds convincing."

He smiles and holds out his hand.
"My name is Ghira Belladonna. I will lead you towards freedom."

You walk through the warehouse with Ghira.
"We need to make you a weapon." He says.

He leads you into a room full of sparks and loud noises and you pull your ears back. This place was too loud. Ghira hands you some headphones. "Put these on!" He yells over the noise.

You do and it doesn't hurt as much. He brings you over to a table with paper. "Design something and we'll try to make it." He said.

You drew something and handed it to him. He took it and started going to work. You wandered out into the hall so you could take your headphones off. They felt so suffocating. You look over and see a girl sitting against the wall while reading a book. I might as well try to make friends. You think to yourself.
You walk over and sit down next to her. She puts the book down and looks at you. You notice how beautiful her amber eyes are.
"H-hi." You manage.

She smiles at you. "Hello." She says quietly.

You smile back. "My name is (Y/N)    (L/N), what's your name?"

"I'm Blake Belladonna."

"Do you wanna be friends with me?"

She smiles sweetly. "Sure!"

A boy with red and black hair walks over. "Hey Blake." He looks over at you.

"Oh, who's this?" He asks.

You reach out your hand. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

"I'm Adam Taurus."

He takes your hand and shakes it. He sits down on Blake's other side.

"Do you guys wanna go outside?" You ask.

They nod. You all get up and go outside. You sit there on the edge of a cliff, looking out on the water. Adam sharpening his sword, Blake playing with the grass, and you thinking about your new friends.

As the sun started disapearing below the waves, Ghira walked up to you. He handed you a pistol. "Here's your weapon (Y/N)."

"It doesn't look like much." Adam said.

You push a button on the side of it and a curved blade comes out from below the barrel of the gun. The barrel points straight up and the handle extends downwards. You stick the scythe in the ground. "How about now?" You say with a grin.

Adam looks speechless. You all burst out laughing. "What are you gonna name it?" Blake asks.

You look at it closely. The orange blade lines up perfectly with the sun. You smile at Blake.


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