Unexpexted Reunion

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"Alex, what does she look like?" You ask.

"Black hair, cat ears, amber eyes. They're going on a field trip into Forever Fall. Wait for her to be alone. That's when you should strike."

You and Alex walk into the forest and hide in a tree.

A few hours later, you hear talking coming from a few hundred feet away. As it got closer you could hear a woman talking about Grimm in the forest. She said something about splitting up and you heard footsteps going in every direction.

You were looking through the crowd and you saw a girl with long black hair. You couldn't see her face from where you were, but she was wearing a bow and it every now and then, it would twitch slightly. "That's her." You say.

You and Alex jump through the trees and follow her. After a while, she picks up a jar and walks off by herself. You sit in a tree directly above her. As she drains the tree of its sap, you pull out a hunting knife. You jumped on top of her and you stabbed the knife downwards. It stabbed her in the eye and she stopped squirming. Then, she faded so you were sitting on the ground questioning what happened. She ran up behind you and kicked you in the back so you fell onto your stomach. She pinned you to the ground and glared at you. "What the hell are you doing?!" She growled.

You looked up at her and you finally saw her face. "B-Blake?" You stammer. She studies your face and a look of shock washes over her face.


You take advantage of this.

You sweep her legs out from under her and stand up. She tries to sit up but you push her down with a kick to the chest. You pull out Sunset and put the point of your scythe against her neck.

"Sorry Catnip," You say as you get ready to plunge your blade into her neck. "It looks like Adam isn't here to save you."

"Why are you doing this?" She asks.

"You're important to the White Fang."

"I left the White Fang two years ago!"

"Then how come my friend said that you're important? You can't lie your way out of this one Blake."

Alex walks out into view.
"Actually (Y/N), those documents I use are about three years old." You ignore Blake and slam Alex against a tree.

"You useless motherfucker! What if you had gotten more important info wrong!?"

"I didn't though."

You sigh.

"Try and get fresher info next time." You help Blake up. "Will you help us Blake?"

She looks like she's about to cry. "Sure." She says.

She hugs you and you just stand there. Great job dude you made her hug a fucking statue.

"I'm just so happy to see you again." She says through her tears.

"Yep, me too, now get the fuck off me."

She looks at you angrily.

"Why do you hate me?"

"I don't."

"It sure seems that way."

You hug her.

"I'm sorry Blake, it's just that I don't know how to react to seeing you for the first time in eight years."

She hugs you back. "I understand. I just want to be friends again."


You pull away and smile at her.

"Can you bring me to your headmaster?"


"I need to ask him something."

Cats And Dogs (Blake X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now