A Talk With The Tin Man

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You were dragged onto the ship. The doors closed behind you and they took everyone's handcuffs off. "We'll keep your weapons for now." Ironwood said.

You all sat down at a table. "Can someone please explain why you were fighting each other to the death?"

"Qrow's semblance let Adam escape and we were mad."

Ironwood nodded. "Semblance caught up to you again did it?"

Qrow growled.

"Anyway, do you have any ideas for things you could do to help me out?"

Everyone brainstormed. You stand up.

"I have one."

"Let's hear it then."

"We could wipe out the White Fang."

Everyone started whining.

Ironwood started. "That's what got you into this--"

"Hear me out though," you interrupt. "We need to figure out where the other branches take orders from."

"Menagerie." Blake cuts in.


"The White Fang started on the faunus inhabited island of Menagerie. My father was the leader because he lived there when he started it."

"So we send us and your army to Menagerie--"

"And you get us all killed." Ironwood says.

"I say we hear the kid out James." Qrow says.

"Yeah." Jake says.

You smile at them. "We send us and your army to Menagerie where we'll kill and arrest everyone we need to."

"How do we take down a whole army with guns?" Ironwood asks.

"You overpower them with your whole army with guns dingus."

"They only use regular bullets in their guns." Ilia said. "When (Y/N) and his friends found me, I was buying the first shipment of dust to bring to Menagerie."

"So pack some lightning dust and fire dust in your guns and blow shit up!" You say.

"People from Menagerie don't particularly like humans." Blake says.

"Then we'll give them proof the White Fang is bad and get them to help us or get them to safety."

"I'm starting to like this plan but it isn't exactly foolproof." Ironwood says. "What's your main goal?"

"We knock out the people that give the orders, aka the main White Fang people on Menagerie. All the other branches will be running scared once they see how strong we are. We then pick off the other branches one by one until they're all gone. Get people back to doing peaceful protests that don't end in murder. Like the olden days."

"Still not foolproof."

"This is war Ironwood, there are no foolproof plans."

Ironwood smiles. "You're smarter than you look." He says.

"That's how I'm still alive." You reply.

He looks around at everyone at the table and thinks for a minute. "Alright, we'll go with your plan (Y/N)."

He pulls out his scroll. "Winter Schnee, I would like to speak with you." He says.

A few seconds later, Winter walks into the room. "Yes sir?"

Ironwood explained the plan to her. "I want you to make sure these people get to Menagerie safely."

"But they have him." She pointed at Jake.

"And Qrow." She growled as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Qrow's semblance is not good for escorting kids across an ocean and no one really knows him." He gestures at Jake. "Plus, it'll give you time to catch up with your sister."

"General Ironwood?"

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"I thought we were riding your ships to Menagerie." You say.

"We need you guys to ride a boat there, call us once you're there safely, and tell us what it's like. How active the White Fang is, how are the people reacting to them, etc."

You nod. Ironwood slides all your weapons down the table and waits for you all to pick them up. He smiles and says, "see you soon."

You all get in the truck you guys rode in before, and you drive to the nearest port.

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