At Beacon

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The elevator was faster than you expected. You got to the top and Blake pushed a button. "Come in."

The doors open to reveal a room full of clockwork and gears. A man with grey hair and black glasses sits at a desk at the back of the room. "Ah, (Y/N) (L/N), Blake has told me about you." Blake blushes.

"She told me that if I were to ever see you, I would have to get you far away from her."

You looked at her questioningly, and she looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"So, what are you bringing him here for?" The man asked Blake.

"H-he wanted to talk to you Professor Ozpin." She stammered.

"About what?" He looks over at you.

"Well, um... I wanted to ask you if you had a dorm available, and if my friend Alex and I could stay there."

"I thought you weren't supposed to be here."

Blake stepped over to you. "We're cool now." She said.

Ozpin stared at you for a second, and then stood up. "We do have a dorm available and I will let you use it, but if you endanger any of my students, I can promise that you will be off this property before you can say Roman Torchwick."

"Got it."

Ozpin threw the dorm keys to you

"Have a good day Mr. (L/N)."

You got in the elevator and started descending.

Blake's POV

Why am I so excited to see him again? Last time we spoke, he screamed at me, and he recently tried to kill me.

(Y/N) looked at her. "Why are you staring at me?"


"Blake, you should stop apologizing so much."

"Sor- I mean, uhh..."

(Y/N) was grinning like a fool.

Why is he so cute?!

"So Blake, what did happen to Adam?"

"I never loved him in the first place,"

I loved you.

"And I got tired of him and left."

The elevator doors opened and (Y/N) stepped out. The way the sun reflected in his hair and made his smile look brighter made her drool.

Do I really love him again after all these years?

"You coming Blake?"

She ran out of the elevator to catch up with him.

(Y/N)'s POV

You walk up to Alex who's sitting on a bench outside.

"We get the room?"

You toss him the keys and he catches them out of the air. The three of you walk off to the dorms.

A few minutes later

"Before you go, I want you to meet my team." Blake says.

She opens the door to a sight of chaos.

A girl in white was sitting at a desk clearly trying to do homework but a girl in a red skirt was smacking her in the back of the head with a pillow while yelling "WEISS, ENTERTAIN ME!" A girl with blonde hair was sitting on her bed, laughing at them both.

"BLAKE!" The red girl yelled.

The girl in white, apparently named Weiss, stood up, revealing the emblem on her back. Alex saw it and his expression instantly darkened. He growled something along the lines of being tired and stormed off to the dorm.

"What's his problem?" Blake asked.

"His parents worked for the SDC and one day, the mine exploded, killing his father. His mother made it out alive but she killed herself out of grief. He's hated Schnees ever since."


The red girl walked up to You and Blake. "Who's this?" She asked.

"This is (Y/N) (L/N). We've been friends since we were seven."

The girl held out her hand. "I'm Ruby Rose." You shook her hand.

"You seem very energetic." You comment.

"Heh. You'd be surprised."

Weiss walked over and opened her mouth.

"Weiss Schnee." You say.

She nods and you introduce yourself.

The blonde girl walks over. "I'm Yang Xiao Long." She says.

"I like the hair."

"Thanks, I have gotten into some pretty hairy situations because of it though."

"Nothing you couldn't brush past though, right?"

You both start laughing and everyone groans.

After hanging out with them for a while, the sun sets and you get tired.
"Aight, I'm gonna go to bed. Bye guys."

Everyone says farewell and you head for your dorm.

Blake's POV

A few hours pass. She looks at the clock.
2:42 am!?
She couldn't get her mind off of him.
After all, she did think she'd never see him again so it kind of made sense.
But if I had the courage to ask him out instead of giving into Adam out of hopelessness and desperation we would've ditched Adam, and we would be dating. She looked at the clock. 3:04.


Yang rolled over. "Can't sleep either?"

"Nope. Why can't you?"

"Not tired. But you on the other hand, you look like you've got something on your mind."


"You like him?"

"Yeah I just don't know if I have the courage to ask him out. Why take the chance ya'know?"

"Girl, life isn't fun if you don't take chances."

Blake rolled over and looked at Yang.

"Life isn't fun anyway."

Yang smiled. "Then you probably don't take many chances."

Blake looked at the ceiling. "I just don't know if he loves me back."

"Why don't we find out?" Yang smiled.

Blake smiled even though she was filled with dread and anxiety.

She didn't sleep that night.

(Y/N)'s POV

The bastard really cried himself to sleep again.

You look over at Alex who was sleeping on a pillow soaked in tears.

It happened twelve years ago, get the fuck over it.

You were annoyed but you just couldn't help but feel bad for the guy.

Your thoughts drifted back to Blake.
There was something about that girl that was just so special.

I didn't think so at first but, I think I actually love her. Does she love me back though?

You supposed you'd find out at some point. You looked out your window at the shattered moon. It was oddly beautiful. The way it shone off the water in the fountain and reflected of the dark leaves on the trees.

I wonder how it would look shining in Blake's eyes. Stop it motherfucker.

You sigh and turn your back to the window. After a while, you manage to grasp the concept of sleep and decide to try it yourself, but you still couldn't escape the thoughts of her.

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