🍬 Genres 🍬

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* - Some conditions

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* - Some conditions.

The genres which have only 5 entries, will only have a winner, no runner-ups. Rest four will get participant prizes only.

🔷️Genres :-

1) Action/Adventure (5/5) - Full! Judging Started

2) ChickLit (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

3) Fanfiction* (10/10) - Full! (In a day!) Results given

4) Fantasy (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

5) General Fiction* (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

6) Historical Fiction (5/5) - Full! Judging Started

7) Horror/Paranormal (5/5) - Full! Judging Started

8) Humor/Humour (5/5) - Full! Results given

9) Mystery/Thriller (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

10) Poetry (5/5) - Full!

11) Romance (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

12) Science Fiction (3/5) - Closed now!

13) Short Story (10/10) - Full! Judging Started

14) Teen Fiction (5/5) - Full! Judging Started

15) Vampire/Werewolf - Removed now

Total books :- (103/105)

3) Fan fiction* - every Indian fandom is accepted except Bapre and Anulika. The couples have to be of serial's, not the actors, which are playing them.

Bapre and Anulika are not accepted because they are not the lead couple of the show.

5) General Fiction* - when all your genres get filled, you can also fill your entry here.

If your main genre is filled, you can opt for sub-genre of your book.


🔷️Judges needed for genres :-

1) Action/Adventure (1/1) - Full! Judging Started

2) ChickLit (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

3) Fanfiction* (2/2) - Full! Results given

4) Fantasy (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

5) General Fiction* (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

6) Historical Fiction (1/1) - Full! Judging Started

7) Horror/Paranormal (1/1) - Full! Judging Started

8) Humor/Humour (1/1) - Full! Results given

9) Mystery/Thriller (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

10) Poetry (1/1) - Full! Judging will start after 15th September.

11) Romance (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

12) Science Fiction (1/1) - Full! Judging Started

13) Short Story (2/2) - Full! Judging Started

14) Teen Fiction (1/1) - Full! Judging Started

15) Vampire/Werewolf - Removed now

Total judges :- (21/21)

Each judge have to judge 5 books only.

Judging criteria for every genre will be different.


Judges for Fan fiction : You have to judge all the fandoms, you will get, unbiased and without any personal grudges towards any fandom. Multi fandom fans are expected here.

Judges for General Fiction : You may get any genre, so you have to be comfortable with any genre.


Heading on to forms now!

⏩Before filling the Forms, you need to know that you have to fill the form in one inline comment on your genre. No filling the Forms randomly anywhere, strictly in inline comments only.

▶️If someone want to ask, that why are the entries so less?

⏺Host's answer : We just assumed that we are not gonna get so many entries, so that's why this less entries are accepted.

▶️Question : What if the slots didn't get filled completely?

⏺Host's answer : Then also awards will happen, even between 2 participants also in each genre. We just don't want 1 participant in a genre, if two, then also fine.

Any queries?

Ask here --->>>>

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