📻Poetry Entries + Judge📻

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Judge and participants of poetry genre leave an inline comment as a 👍 emoji or "seen" comment so that we know that you have read the chapter and are aware that your book has been started reading for awards

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Judge and participants of poetry genre leave an inline comment as a 👍 emoji or "seen" comment so that we know that you have read the chapter and are aware that your book has been started reading for awards.

Compulsory for everyone. We don't want to tag people and ask them to comment.

Participants have to follow their assigned judge.

Where there are no chapters written, you have to read only 2 chapters.

Judge :- SummuB

Books you have to judge :-

1) Darling, by JustDai_

2) Midnight Flowers by JustDai_

3) Escape by namjoonah22

4) Out Of The Blue Poems by Hopes_High

5) The 50 Shades Of Balladry by jes_uba123


Judging Criteria -

i) Cover - /10
ii) Title - /10
iii) Choice of words - /10
iv) Poetic devices - /10
v) Rhyme - /10
vi) Flow - /10
vii) Originality - /15
viii) Does the author followed you? (If not, 0, if yes, full 10) - /10
ix) Overall impression - /15

Total - /100

Allot the marks in this format only and example is given, check in Example For Judges chapter.

Check more rules in Judging Criteria chapter and in Rules chapter and follow them.

Published on :- 04/09/2020
Deadline :- 19/09/2020 (because of study reasons)

You can send the judgements earlier too, before the deadline.

Participants must have patience, judge is also a human like you.

All the best to all of you!

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