😱Horror/Paranormal Results😱

53 7 11

These reviews were sent to us on 12/09/2020

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These reviews were sent to us on 12/09/2020.

All the five participants are requested to permanently follow Paroxysm_writes

We are every time glad to have you as a judge in our awards. Thank you so much for this quick judgements.


Haunted House by Lyfaks10

Cover- 8/10
Scared/intrigued- 5/10
Character development- 7/10
Writing syle and grammer-2/5
Hook- 7/10
Does the author followed you? -0/10
Overall impression- 6/15

The cover was good but I suggest it can be more beautiful and clear.The title was a common one and gaved an crystal clear idea of the story, try naming it with a unique one. .The description can be a bit more specific and a suspence creator.The flow of the story was too fast.I mean it was mentioned in the story that Avniel were newly married couple,it was an arrange marriage I guess as love marriage was not mentioned anywhere then how come they are so comfortable with each other, it's not even a week to their marriage but they are behaving as if they are best friends for years.It was a bit scary and increased my curiousity to a level in few chapters but in other chapters it was very predictable of what is going to happen next.The writing style needs to be improved and you should stop using short forms for some words like 'nd' for 'and'.



The Elevator Game by PrashanthPrashanth6

Cover- 10/10
Title- 10/10
Blurb- 8/10
Flow- 5/10
Scared/Intrigued you- 8/10
Character development- 5/10
Writing style/grammer- 1/5
Hook- 6/10
Does the author followed you?- 10
Overall impression- 7/15

The cover was perfect as if it was made for it.The tiltle gaved an clear idea of what the story is going to be about.The description/blurb needs to be improved a bit,of course by adding a more clear detail.The story was written in a bit confusing manner,the surroundings,situations are not explained in detail making it hard to understand moreover the writer jumps from one place to the other in the story without an clear explaination.It was a bit scary as from now I would be a bit afraid to use the lift when I am alone but it wasn't intriguing rather a bit confusing.The characters were not introduced properly making it hard to understand and imagine anything. Again I would repeat the whole plot was a bit messed up,the first letter after full stops were not capital and there were several grammatical mistakes.It was also a bit difficult  to get an idea of who was speaking  as the dialogues were all mixed-up..The story was good but rather than filling something new in me I found myself revising the old knowings about this game.

The story needs a bit of modification.The plot was interesting  but it should have been more lengthy and clear.



LET THE SKY FALL by RehanaSiraj

Cover- 10/10
Scared/intrigued you- 8/10
Writing style &grammer-4/5
Character development- 9/10
Does the author followed you? 10/10
Overall impression- 13/15

The cover was just perfect,Arnav in black and white showing gloominess and dark secrets,Khushi and others in colour showing happiness and joy.The title was also so perfect.The description was also so clear that no one will be able keep themself from not entering the book.The flow are really smooth and significant.It increased my curiosity so much that I can't wait for further updates.The writing style was just mind-blowing,it was mysterious, attracting and without any grammatical mistakes.The story was an unique one and it isn't easy writing on a unique topic full of imagination,but must say you did it very well.I really appreciate your work.It was amazing reading it…



UNTOLD DARKNESS by SavySagittarius

Cover- 8/10
Title- 10/10
Blurb- 9/10
Flow- 7/10
Scared/Intrigued you- 6/10
Character development- 9/10
Writing style/grammer- 4/5
Hook- 8/10
Does the author followed you?- 0
Overall impression- 14/15

The cover was okay but still needs to be improved a bit.The title and the description were just perfect and like they were made for this .Though I am least intrested in Vampire genre but this story made me change my opinions for this genre.I really liked the story.Everything is just so written with perfection, just few chapters and I was badly attached to this book.The writting style was also good but one thing that needs to be taken care of is you often mess up with the names of the speaker.At last,it was really a very nice story and I appreciate your effort for writing such lengthy chapters…



RUTH by cherrlynbloom

Cover- 8/10
Title- 10/10
Blurb- 10/10
Flow- 8/10
Scared/Intrigued you- 10/10
Character development- 10/10
Writing style/grammer- 4/5
Hook- 9/10
Does the author followed you?- 10/10
Overall impression- 13/15

The cover was nice.The title too seemed perfect.The description was just so attractive that I couldn't keep myself from completing the whole book.The story was so well written with minor details and perfections.Despite being a gloomy sad plot it didn't seemed boring as some humour filled scenes were still inserted between them making it appear intresting.I am just in love with the damn writing style it was writen so flawlessly.This is the first time that I am reading any story other than ShivIka fandom but if they are like this than I am glad reading them my whole life…

Total- 92/100


So everyone is aware that for genres, where there are only 5 entries will have 1 winner and rest others will be participants.

Now as everyone has read the reviews by our judge Paroxysm_writes

The winner is RehanaSiraj for the book, "Let The Sky Fall", which got 93/100.

A very big congratulations to you dear!


And congratulations to the participants too.

Prizes will be given in a few days, please have patience.

The awards end for Horror/Paranormal participants.

Thank you to the judge and all the participants for being in this awards.

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