🖊Fantasy - @Queenofpepper🖊

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Sent to us on 05/09/2020

The claimed: A clash of copper and gold by spelunkadunk

Cover- 8/10
Flow and hook-15/15
Character development-10/10
Writing style-10/10
Did the writer follow me(yes)-10/10
Overall impression-15/15


The claimed:Clash of copper and gold is a great fantasy story. It's totally heavenly. Great and detailed description. I was able to envision each scenes without breaking a sweat as I felt like I was actually in the story. The plot is great, unique and definitely not a cliche. I loved the cliff hangers and the element of suspense. The characters are well developed and totally believable and relatable. This novel has the perfect flow/hook which is evident in the first chapter. The blurb gave me an insight that I was in for a great fantasy ride. The story moved at a reasonable pace. Writing style and grammar is perfect as sentences are nicely constructed and punctuations are properly used. The sentences were not too complex nor too simple.

My overall impression of this novel is that it is heavenly, unique, definitely not a cliche and it is FANTASTIC. I'm not really a fan of fantasy but this novel helped me see that fantasy is a great genre.

Kudos to the author.


Jarota the trapped queen by kakolilaha6

Flow and hook-14/15
Character development-9/10
Writing style and grammar-9/10
Did the writer follow me(yes)-10/10
Overall impression-13/15


Jarota the trapped queen is a great fantasy Novel. It is so magical and unique with a great storyline. I love the cover as it corresponds with the title of the story. The cover itself tells a story. The cover is bright and attractive. The blurb was nicely written. Only reading the blurb, I was able to identify the plot of the story and have an insight of what to expect in the book. The story flow was great. Also the beginning was superb as it aroused the curiousity of a reader making a reader want to read the next chapter. The characters developed at a reasonable pace. I loved the detailed description of characters, emotions and scenes. It helped me have a mental picture of whatever the character was feeling. I'm impressed with this story because it's magical, unique and has a great storyline/plot. This is one of the best fantasy fiction I have ever read and I can recommend it to fellow wattpadders.


Songs of the sky (season 1) by earlfangs

Flow and hook-12/15
Character development-9/10
Writing style and grammar-7/10
Did the author follow me(yes)-10/10
Overall impression-13/15


Song of the sky is an interesting fantasy Novel with a unique and never seen storyline. The cover is  bright and attractive. Character development is perfect and relatable. The title is unique and intriguing. I liked it that the paragraphs are not too long thus making reading enjoyable. Long paragraphs tends to make a reader bored easily. There was little grammatical error and very little poorly constructed sentence. Nevertheless this error didn't affect the story as it isn't too noticeable. My overall impression of this novel is that it is a great fantasy fiction, totally original, it has unique storyline and it is quite enjoyable as it tickles the fancy of a reader.


Devil's in the name by Sugar_And_Spice125

Flow and hook-11/15
Character development-7/10
Writing style and grammar-8/10
Did the author follow me(yes)-10/10
Overall impression-10/15


Devil's in the name is an interesting fantasy Novel with a great flow. The flow/hook was superb. The cover is too plain and dull. It doesn't tell a story at all. It also doesn't seem to fit with the title of the story. I like uniqueness of the title of the story but I feel that it doesn't quite go with the plot/storyline. The blurb was perfect and gave an insight of the story. I like it that the grammar is moderate i.e it isn't too complex or too simple. I find the plot interesting but I feel that some even that took place in the story is rushed and too sudden.i.e the storyline moved at a too fast pace. There was very few grammatical error and wrong use of punctuation.comma (,)to be precised. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this novel and believe that it will make a better fantasy Novel if some of this plot holes were filled.


Romance of the portal by kakolilaha6

Flow and hook-6/15
Character development-7/10
Writing and grammar-7/10
Did the author follow me(yes)-10/10
Overall impression - 10/15


Romance of the portal is an interesting fantasy Novel. I love the cover as its beautiful and corresponds with the title of the novel. The cover tells the story of the novel. I loved the description as it was well detailed. I also like the writing style. I didn't really get hooked while reading the story as the beginning wasn't quite catchy. The storyline seems to be moving at a too fast pass as some events are rushed and too sudden. Some chapters were short and wattpadders loves lengthy paragraphs. If there were not plot holes in this story, it will make a very good read.

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