🍬General Fiction - @its_anki🍬

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We request the participants to follow its_anki permanently.

Glad to have you as a judge in our awards.

Sent to us on 11/09/2020


Book name- Timeless by kakolilaha6


I feel the cover could be better. Since your book features the beauty of our country and your motive behind this book is to make people realise how beautiful our country and it's people or their feelings and emotions are.
I think the cover should have minute carvings of our land which can give the readers a rough hint on your perspective.

The title is good, perfectly synced with the stories of the book.

The blurb is really nice and it depicts well what kind of short stories one can find in your book. Overall works well.

I liked all the plots especially Lajjo one and Little Pakhi.

v)Writing style and grammar-10/10
Your writing style is amazing and grammar is perfect, I couldn't find a single mistake. Great Job! Also the
way you described the beauty of small villages and nature was worth reading, I could connect to the story well.

The flow was smooth, I didn't feel a sense of rush anywhere.

vii)Character developement-12/15
Each character of its respective story was portrayed well, but I felt as if something was missing maybe if you cast some people who could resemble with the characters, the readers can connect more. Neverthless, you did an awesome job, Pakhi's innocence, Lajjo's sentiments were described well but if you could add any
artist's picture it could lay a more effect on the readers.

viii)Does the author followed you-10/10

ix)Overall impression-13/15
Overall I would say that your motive to feature the beauty of India was fullfilled to a huge extent, anyone who would read the story will surely fall for our country's splendor beauty. A new cover which have some carvings of our country, subtle colors and highlighted username can add more stars to this wonderful collection of short stories.



Bookname-Ashes of the pheonix by theashesofthephoenix

The cover was nice.

Title suits well to the story. Great job!

Blurb is nice and gives a rough hint of your plot and characters.

My goodness, I don't have any words for your plot. The plot is amazingly unique. Tbh I have never came across any such story. Awesome job!

v)Writing style and grammar-10/10
The grammar is perfect and must say your vocabulary is highly advanced and writing style is perfectly awesome.

little bit slow, I felt at some point some of the scenerios weren't needed to be depicted so much, there a
feeling to skip that part comes, but I would say in the next para again it became interesting and hooked me well.

Each character was portrayed well. Fade, Jag and Nefall were sketched beautifully and your sketches and pictures added cherry to the cake. I have to say that the way you described each of your character is truly different and amazing.

viii)Does the author followed you-10/10

ix)Overall impression-14/15
The book is really good. The cover could have been better. Well done!



Book name- Under the New York Sky by SweetnessInTheSalt

The cover is nice but your name should have been highlighted.

Suits the story well but I feel the title should have been more precise.

Blurb is quite effective.

Plot is good.

v)Writing style and grammar-10/10
Grammar is perfect and writing style is good. Well done!

vi)Flow- 8/10
Flow was lil slow I thought.

Only one word Outstanding! Skyler and Aden both were sketched in an excellent manner.

viii)Does the author followed you -10/10

The book is good but I'm sorry I felt to skip at few places, which seemed boring tone.



Book name - maybe, someday by sunkissedspy

The cover could have been better. I think you should request a cover in a cover shop. Also, your name is not well specified.

I didn't understand the title by reading the first 5 chapters, so I won't deduct your marks here.

The blurb has to be rewritten, little about your characters, few hints about your plot and some dialogues can possibly make your blurb very well.

The plot is really different and beautiful - Life on Mars. Must say amazing idea.

v)Writing style and grammar-10/10
Your writing style is amazing and grammar is perfect, I couldn't find a single mistake. Great Job!

The flow was smooth, I didn't feel a sense of rush anywhere.

You could have portrayed your character more but still great job.

viii)Does the author followed you-10/10

As I said, blurb and cover need some amendments but overall it's a nice book, You have a long way to go:)

Total - 86/100


Bookname-Love Hurts, Doesn't it? by OluwaSijuwomi

Cover is nice and the quote written on it influenced me the most.

Very Good. Thetitle goes well.

The blurb could have been better.

Plot is good.

v)Writing style and grammar-10/10
Your writing style is amazing and grammar is perfect, I couldn't find a single mistake. Great Job! Also the way you described the beauty of small villages and nature was worth reading, I could connect to the story well.

The flow was at a correct pace.

vii)Character developement-12/15
I didn't find the perfect image of Isabelle. Sorry to say but I couldn't connect with the character.

viii)Does the author followed you-10/10

ix)Overall impression-13/15
Blurb and Isabelle's character, these were the minute things which need to be amended. Other than these, the book is nice. Well done!



I request all the authors that it's not last. You have a long way to go, Best of luck for your bright and shiny future:)

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