Meeting Billie Eilish

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Mia's pov

Welcome to my world that consist of killing, stealing, and many more things. Before I get into more detail about the world my legal name is Shelby Mia Evens and I'm 18 years old. But don't called Shelby because only my best friend calls me that so I go by Mia. So this world is rules by once big Mafia and small gangs. What about the authorities? Well they are too scared to take action so they only listen to the Mafia. Ever since the last presidential election a Mafia leader won so this is how it started. I little about me is I got kidnapped by a gang and forced to go to party at clubs to get money for them. My best friend Is Cat Elizabeth Cogan and I haven't seen her since we got kidnapped. Yeah not fun but you will learn about me more. 

So I am going out to a party alone. James the one who kidnapped me doesn't care because I bring money home. I go there hoping to find Cat because I need to get the hell out of here. I got dressed into a very slutty dress but when I get there I am changing into a better one. When I get to the club I change into a long silk black dress. I then get a call from James. 

Mia- James

James- Shelby makes sure you bring home bank

I then hung up and walk inside going to the VIP area. I get a light drink and sit down. Some girl sits by me after a few minutes. 

Billie- What is very pretty girl like you doing alone in my VIP section

Mia- Escaping for a few hours

Billie- Ah I get that what's your full name

Mia- Shelby Mia Evens but please call me Mia only a special person gets to call me that 

Billie- Who is that

Mia- My best friend

I talk to Billie most of the time then one of the guys that has seen me before at a party grabbed my hand. Honestly I hate how much I get taken advantage of for my body. I think Billie could tell so she shot him. 

Billie- You okay mammas

Shelby- Yeah I'm fine

I grab his wallet and took all of his money. James will be mad that its only a few bucks. I smiled at Billie before I ran back to my car to change into the slutty dress again. I saw Billie watch all of that and I waved at her. 

Billie's pov

Something seemed off about her. I decided to follow her and I noticed she changed into a more sluttier dress. I gave her a look and she smiled at me. Then she drove off with tears forming in her eyes. Okay I need to figure this out.

Mia's pov

James- Shelby is that you

Mia- Its mia

James- I don't care give me the money

I gave him the money and he was pissed. He started to smack me and then locked me in the basement that was my room. I was crying so hard that I had to sit down. I eventually went to bed. 

*the next morning*

James woke me up to get ready because we are going to get more money at this new club. I was going to be alone for a while so I was going to find Billie. When we got there I found Billie and hugged her. 

Billie- Hey are you alright you didn't text me last night

Shelby- Yeah my mom takes my phone before I go to bed

Billie-Okay I'm not falling for that but do you want me to have some of my guys to watch you

Shelby- No its okay you don't need to worry 

Billie gave me a look and realizes my outfit. 

Billie- Thats a bit showy

Shelby- Yeah all my clothes are washing


Shelby- I got to go

I walked to James and he told me not to talk to anyone but the guys that are hitting on me. I then walked to the table that I usually go to and start dancing. James watched in the background smiling. I was doing a hurt look the whole time. I then saw Billie walk in. I knew she would follow. She was watching me the whole time when a guy pulled me down. 

Guy- Hey pretty lady 

This is the same guy that does this every time. I then saw Billie grabbing her gun and then killing the guy. 


I nodded and then Billie grabbed me walking out of the room. When I was out of the room I just balled my eyes out because I was going to be touched. Billie just held me and made me look into her eyes. 

Billie- You aren't going back there alright. I will protect you 

James- Shelby you better get back into that..........Billie

Billie- James nice to see you goodbye

She killed my kidnapper and took me to her house. When I got to her house I saw a few people looking at me and I swore that I saw someone familiar.

Billie- You can shower 

I showered and walked back into her room with clothes from the basement of that house. 

Shelby-Who are you

Billie- You don't know who I am 

Shelby- No I've been living locked up for 3 years since I was 16

Billie- You have been doing that since you were 16

I nodded and Billie looked pissed. 

Billie- Well here you don't do that shit. My names Billie I am the one who runs the Mafia

Shelby- You you........are you going to hurt me

Billie- No I'm not I'll keep you safe here okay. Come on you have some new people that you are meeting

Finneas- Hi sweetheart I'm Finneas Billie's older brother

Shelby- Hi

Fin- How old are you Billie told me what happened

Shelby- umm 1......18

Finneas- You don't have to be nervous with me I would never lay a hand on you. Thats my girlfriend Claudia, Thats Q Billie's friend, Thats Danielle, and that is Olivia. 

Billie- You said you have a best friend 

Shelby- Yeah

Billie- Who is it

Shelby- Cat Cogan Catherine Cogan 

Billie- Nice 

I saw that she made a weird look and she showed me around. But I wanted to hang out in her room till later. I eventually fell asleep watching a show.

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